Death Certificate for Jack Phillips
This is Bill Phillips' father.
The informant was his mother, Jack's wife, and she gave Jack's mother's maiden name as HARRISON. This was in 1973 before Bill Phillips began his campaign of falsification of data and documents. It is marked "AMENDED" at the top because Bill had it amended in order to change Elizabeth's maiden name to DALTON.
Source: "The Dalton Gang Story" p. 40
Bill Phillips' version of his father's death certificate
He altered it so Bea Elizabeth Phillips' maiden name was DALTON.
Jack Phillips' Funeral Record
His mother's maiden name is listed as HARRISON on the funeral home record.
Source: Yeary-Vaughn Funeral Home
Amended death certificate for Jack Phillips
Now Bill Phillips' grandmother's maiden name is "officially" DALTON. (Filed March 24, 1987.)
Social Security application of Jack Phillips
Jack's August, 1939 application for a social security card is the only unaltered evidence indicating Bea Elizabeth Phillips' maiden name might be some variant of DALTON. Jack gives his mother's name as "Edna DAWLTON". He was four years old when she died and she had been dead 44 years when he filed this application. He didn't know her first name. What is the likelihood he knew her maiden name? (Even if her maiden name were Dalton, her proven birth in Texas proves she cannot be a child of James & Adeline Dalton.)
Source: Social Security Administration
Simon "Sam" Dalton's Death Certificate
Note his birth date, occupation and birth place is not listed and the names and birth places for his parents are listed as "Not Known". His age is 51.
Source: Oklahoma Department of Health - Vital Statistics
Simon "Sam" Dalton's Altered Death Certificate - version 1
Bill has added "Simon Noel" in his handwriting above the typed name "Sam Dalton". Simon's birth date, his age and occupation and his birth place as well as the birth places and parents' names are written in Bill Phillips' handwriting. His age is now 49 years, 7 months and 7 days.
Simon "Sam" Dalton's Altered Death Certificate - version 2
Now the fields are nicely typed in, and the notation "Simon Noel" above the name is now in block print. Nice touch, Bill.
Lists of Dalton Children
No mention of any relative named Phillips or any person named Bea or Elizabeth
Jane Bliven Dalton's List of Her Husband's Siblings
This interview took place before Bea E. Phillips died, so she should have been mentioned were she related, especially since she only lived 45 miles NW of Ardmore and was married to an ex Texas Ranger – see "Tom Phillips, Texas Ranger — or not?").
.... My husband has five living brothers. They are Charles, aged forty-three; Coleman; forty; Littleton, thirty-eight (the eight was replaced with a handwritten six on the altered version above); Simon, fifteen and Emmett, who is serving a life sentence in Lansing penitentiary. Of these Charlie lives in King Fisher county, Oklahoma, and the younger one with his mother in the same county. There are three sisters of whom two are at home with their mother, aged twenty and eighteen years respectfully. The other, Mrs. Whipple, lives near Kingfisher.
- Charles
- Coleman
- Littleton
- Simon
- Emmett
- two sisters at home with their mother (Leona & Nancy)
- Mrs. Whipple (Eva May)
All the children are accounted for – where is Bea Elizabeth Phillips?
See Bill Phillips' falsified version of the newspaper article.
Source: The Daily Ardmorite, Page 1, Vol. 1, No. 189, Saturday, June 9, 1894, Ardmore, Chickasaw Nation, Indian Territory (Oklahoma)
1. Ben (1852), alive
2. Cole (1853), alive
3. Louis (1855) * died young, exact birth date unknown
4. Littleton (1857), alive
5. Lelia (1858) * died young, exact birth and death date unknown
6. Frank (1859), dead
7. Gratton (1861), dead
8. William (1863), dead
9. Eva (1867), alive
10. Robert (1869), dead
11. Emmett (1871), alive
12. Leona (1875), alive
13. Nammie (1876), dead
14. Simon (1878), alive
15. Adeline (1878) * died age one year, a twin to Simon
Grasping at straws, Bill Phillips latched onto the name of the sister – Lelia – and assigned her the role of his grandmother Bea Elizabeth. An interesting ploy, but it doesn't hold water.
Source: "Beyond the Law" by Emmett Dalton, 1918
Altered Tombstones
His grandparents' headstone
Tom and Bea Elizabeth Phillips are buried in the Tussy Cemetery, but their grandson, Bill Phillips, erected a marker for them in the Elmore City Cemetery. Why?
Adeline Dalton's tombstone
KingFisher Cemetery, Kingfisher, Oklahoma.
Bill Phillips misspelled Louis Kossuth Dalton's name and erroneously marked Nancy & Simon as twins, which they weren't.
Source: Kingfisher Cemetery, Kingfisher, Oklahoma
Emmett Dalton's tombstone
KingFisher Cemetery, Kingfisher, Oklahoma.
This is the reverse side of his stone.
Added Tombstones
These graves had no stone. Bill Phillips had the stones made and placed on them.
Bill Phillips is no relation to these people!
Leona Dalton's tombstone
KingFisher Cemetery, Kingfisher, Oklahoma.
Letter and pictures from Bill Dalton:
Leona's grave
sorry the pictures Shirly taken wasnt plain at all I will try to get some myself
I feel so sorry for Leona no headstone she was the sweetest person in the world. Hazel Clute could aford one be she is going to keep all that money for her self
thanks for the last material
Bill Phillips' note
Bill's pictures of Leona's tombstone he provided.
this little small metal marker is all she did have
looks like they left it
that was real good
back side
Source: Bill Phillips
This is the reverse side of Leona Dalton's stone.
Simon Dalton's tombstone
KingFisher Cemetery, Kingfisher, Oklahoma.
Source: Glendon Benda
Dec 4 1987
Bill Phillips
402 West Seminole
Wynnewood, Ok 73098
I sure was happy for the information you gotten maybe you can finda Simon that one I dont know he went by Sam but you cant tell wonder why this was on Claremore Record
I wrote Nancy Samuelson wondering about the Holland 1940 Record was in Simon Military Record she may have gotten some of her things in with it like you said it didn't partain to Simon records at all since all of Simon Military Records were 1878 he must have been born in 1878
the army V.A. is wanting to put Simon a army stone I think that would be great do you.
The "army V.A." does not want to put a headstone on any grave – Bill is the sole source of this intentionally misleading information.
Obituaries & articles
There are too many obituaries and newspaper articles to place on this page. They are included to show that nowhere, not in any obituary or newspaper article, is there a record of a relationship between the Dalton family and anyone named Phillips or Bea or Elizabeth.
1987 Donation to Missouri Historical Review
More examples of Bill's work to establish himself as an authority on the Dalton family and as their relative.
Source: Missouri Historical Review,, Vol. 82 Issue 1; Oct. 1987
U.S. & International Marriages – fraudulent data
Bill Phillips (user name bdphillips2701652) submitted genealogical data to the LDS church and it was copied by two different researchers who submitted it to Bill Yates of Yates Publishing. Bill Yates combined it with other genealogies and records and gave or sold it to, who named it "U.S. and International Marriage Records, 1560-1900". Those two researchers later determined the data was not substantiated and removed it from their records, but it hasn't been removed from ancestry. Now the data appears to be forever at and many people won't bother to check for sources or proof.
Emmett Dalton Buys Marker for Graves of Slain Brothers
(Not directly relevant to refuting the hoax, but it's just another example of no mention of any Phillips relative.)
Emmett Dalton Buys Marker For Graves of Slain Brothers
Emmett Dalton, famous as the only member of the desperate Dalton gang to survive the fusilade of bullets that followed an attempt to rob two Coffeyville banks back in 1892, completed a two-day visit here late yesterday and departed for Tulsa, the next stopping point on his itinerary in this part of the country.
Emmett announced Wednesday that he had come to Coffeybille primarily to fix up the graves of his brother, Brat and Bob, killed in the raid here and who were buried in the potters' section of Elmwood cemetery, their resting place marked only by a rusted gas pipe set deep into the earth.
Emmett arranged for the purchase of a modest monument for the double grave, leaving a copy of the data and message he desired inscribed on it, J.C. Pickering stated today. Also, instructions were left to have the small monument that marks the grave of Frank Dalton, killed while making arrests as a deputy United States marshal in 1887, repaired, as a part of its top had bee loosened by long exposure to weather conditions. This grave is located in a section west of the one that holds the remains of Grat and Bob, being separated by a distance of about 150 feet.
One of the sidelights in connection with the visit of Emmett to the graves of his slain brothers was the discovery that a fair-sized catalpa tree that grew beside the double grave was missing. A member of the party then related that for years the tree had been cut by curiosity seekers. Piece by piece, he related, this entire tree had been carried off. Not a vestige of it remains. Even a sprout that sprung up and bid fair to thrive, was carried off as soon as it was discovered.
Source: Dalton file, Coffeyville Library
Correspondence – Bill Phillips
The alteration of Adeline Dalton's Obituary
He inserts his family genealogy into it.
All of this is part of a genealogy submitted by Bill Phillips. Click on the obituary to see the page containing the original.
Source: Bill Phillips
Source: Bill Phillips
1987 NOLA article (written 1986)
Bill's imaginative article was published in the Jan.-March, 1987 issue of the National Association for Outlaw and Lawmen History (NOLA) Newsletter.
July 1, 1987 Interview of Bill "Dalton" Phillips
At the end he tells the interviewer he is having Adeline Dalton's headstone replaced.
Click here to read the transcription.
Source: Bill Phillips & interviewer
Bill Phillips' letter dated Dec. 4, 1987.
He entertains the thought of placing a stone for Simon Dalton – he is not related to or acquainted with Simon Dalton or any of his family.
Bill Phillips
402 West Seminole
Wynnewood Ok
I sure was happy for the information you gotten maybe you can finda divorce
that one I dont know he went by Sam but you cant tell wonder why this was on Claremore Record
I wrote Nancy Samuelson wondering about that Holland 1940 Record was in Simon Military Record she may have gotten some of her things in with it like you said it didn't pertain to Simon records at all since all of Simon Military Records were 1878 he must have been born in 1878
the army V.A. is wanting to put Simon a army stone I think that would be great do you
The Veterans' Administration does not place headstones. Bill Phillips had the stone made and placed on Simon Dalton's grave — a man to whom he had no relation.
Bill Phillips' letter dated February, 2, 1988.
Feb 2, 1988
got your letter yesterday thanks for the form I will send them off Roy Clute could stll be living he would be 90
I didnt tell you William Mason Dalton Kay father died March 29, 1986 born April 21 1907 son of Charles Coleman Dalton and Emma Ann Turner William Mason was in the military 1929 to 1937 and was a truck driver for the past 35 years and I think he lived with Lei one of the daughter
but he sure looks like a brother and a uncle of mine very very much
Well all the information we have on Eliz Dalton Phillips was what my grandfather bible & it says she is the daughter of James Lewis & Adeline some place she was call Lili or Lile & the Bea might be just B. and the oldest son John Phillip he had some to do with some of the daltons and uncle Lee was a Dalton for sure he was in to every thing they say did I send you his death certificate he was drunk 21 (?) when he died this was all long time before I was born
Lee probly didnt know much about the Dalton but John the oldest was born in about 1880 he was old enough to rember some so that is the most information for sure we have My father was the youngest his mother Eyabeth (?) Dalton Phillips died when my father was 3 or 4 years old in 1894
the Lewis Dalton having a illg child I havent heard that but it would be very interested if you do get more on that let me know & I wont say nothing about this at all
well we are having a month turnaround at the plant starting Monday we will work 6-10 hr a day so if you dont here for a while I will be hard at work look like the weather is going to get bad again
I sent for a death certificate where you sent the address I sent for one on Roy Clute in Ark at the Dept of Health Ark the check 1960 to 1987 & they couldnt find one you know Roy was in Colo in 1964 when Leona died Old Huff was the one who told me they lived in Ark & he died there have you gotten a letter from him yet
Bill (over)
Bill Phillips' letter dated February 20, 1988.
He admits to placing a stone on Simon Dalton's grave – he is not related to Simon Dalton nor did he ever know him.
I got Roy Clute military Record Roy died in Tulsa Hospital in 1978 & buried in the Rose Hill Mausoleum I guess they took to Tulsa Hospital but cant figure why he was buried in Tulsa & I don't know if Hazel his wife is still living are not. I will write the Rogers Ark. address.
look like there would have been a copy of there marriage since the military ask for it for proof of marriage
I will also write the Stanleys Funeral Home in Tulsa to see if they have information on (?)services(?)
Roy and his wife lived in Okla City. When Simon Dalton died in 1928 Roy would have been 31 so he could have married in Okla County I check the Kingfisher County for marriage I was in hope Roy was still living you know I wrote vital Records for a death certificate at Ok City said they could find nothing & I have checked Ark, Tex, Colo., & Calif. & was going to check Missouri so finly found him
There inclosed information of the Charles & Emma Dalton & survivors from Gierhard & Wells Funeral home at Lodi, Calif is how I found the Daltons but first on Littleton death certificate Charles Coleman Dalton gave the information
Any way I sent this to old Jim Dullenty of Hamilton Mt this information he sent to Steele & Steele called old John Banta at Calif they are all rats I don't think they will get any where with the Daltons but I am so sorry I was the cause they found them I knew they were them just finding them
Simon Dalton tome (sic tomb) military stone come in I ordered the tape(?) marble stone when I sent it to Kingfisher they papers to get sign the old caretaker work that one out & marked the flat Bronze but any way he will have head marker when that jerk gets it put up. I had to mail him $40.00 for puting it up the tall marble stone would have looked better & would have went with Nancy tome (sic tomb) I am alway happy to here about old Huff did you even here from him
he has never writen any one that I know of just called all the time he had to hired by Steele Rats hire Rats to do there job for them I am still wondering where the Bookie Craig is from you should ask her to see my letter an a copy
I am off to day we work 10 hr 6 day a week hope this weather hold out until we are finished
did I explain on Cole night I have another clipping on him somewhere
I cant get over those jerks saying Roy Johnson was Roy Clute
You know I didnt know what the M stood for in Roys middle name until I got this death certificat from the military (Marselus) we need to not let those Rats get this information to go in there Rats books
Yours truly
Note to Bill Phillips re: tombstone (1988)
Re: Replacement of Adeline Dalton's headstone
Bill Phillips sent this to a researcher. It is a copy of a note to him from T.I. Montgomery of Kingfisher, OK with his own handwritten notes.
Dear Mr. Phillips, March 30, 1988
Glendon Benda told me this morning that he hoped to have the headstone set in the near future. He has been so busy getting the cemetery ready for Memorial Day, but it shouldn't be too long before it is finished.
T. I. Montgomery
105 Chisholm Drive
Kingfisher, Oklahoma 73750
Bill writes: "got this card from Montgomery this morning. Simon don't look like is every going to get a marker does it." The other notes are his also, but are irrelevant to the exposure of this fraud – other than to provide samples of his handwriting to use in analysis of forged documents.
Glendon Benda was the superintendent of the Kingfisher Cemetery and T.I. Montgomery died in 1990.
Source: Bill Phillips
1988 letter about replacing headstones
From: Shirley Smith of Kingfisher, OK
To: Bill "Dalton" Phillips
Re: Replacement of Simon Dalton's headstone
May 6, 1988
Dear Bill,
I finally got out to the cemetery this morning on the spur of the moment from town & forgot to take my camera. I visited the Dalton plot and & Simon Noel's stone — a beautiful marble stone with a bronze thick plate with the name & lettering. You would be very pleased. Truly. Wanted you to know they got Simon's military headstone up
I will send you a picture a little later. I went on down to see if the lettering had been put on my brother stone & it had been done too. I also noted that John Phillips' name was on the side of the old stone that was there – with Guthrie, OK below it, just like you said. This is suppose to be my uncle. It is on the south side of the tome, why I don't get. He may have help on it some way. I am sorry I failed to take the camera this time, but swear I will send you a picture a little later.
Thanks for the will etc. on Roy Klute. It is very interesting.
By the way, I got some material on the Daltons from a Nancy Samuelson, Eastford, Ct 06242. She (cont. on p. 2)
had a lot of info she said you had given her – and wanted me to write to her, I shall acknowledge it, but don't intend to get involved first, I only knew Leona personally & she was my very good friend and as I told you she sewed for me when I was about 25 yrs old and I loved her very much. The rest was what I heard from my folks for they her folks had moved away or passed away before I was born, I do not care to get involved, that is what I am going to tell her, I haven't answered her letter yet.
I am trying to get ready to go to Tenn. to see the Grand Ole Opry, etc. on 20th. Will only be gone 4 days. A niece is coming from Hattiesburg, MS for a school & family reunion on the 27th. She will bring her daughter and two babies. Seems like everything is running together,
Again Sorry I forgot the comma – will send a picture, am enclosing a little stamp money.
Your friend,
Shirley Smith
2 incl — $2.00
- She informed him Simon Dalton's tombstone had been set.
- She wrote that the John Phillips whose name is engraved on the reverse side of Nancy Dalton Clute's stone was her uncle. (The inscription in small letters at the bottom reverse side of the stone is by the stone mason, John Phillips, owner of Capital City Marble and Granite Works in Guthrie, I.T.)
Source: Shirley Smith
1988 letter to Bill from researcher J.W. Dowe
Dear Mr. Phillips,
Thank you for Kansas paper about the Dalton Gang.
I visited the Brown County Courthouse and Library. Since all the old records burned in 1880, I wasn't able to get any information.
If this hadn't happened, I'm sure I could have found a record of your grandparent's marriage.
The 1860 Texas Census is now in alphabetic order. Since our Robert H. Dalton said that he was born in 1858 in Texas, I have been looking for information concerning each Dalton family on the census records. These families lived in 12 different counties. If I go to the Dallas library, perhaps our puzzle will be solved.
Did your grandmother ever mention anything about her cousins, brothers, and sisters? (names, ages)
Let's keep looking!
Sincerely, N. Dowe
Bill Phillips managed to ingratiate himself with many researchers who took him at his word as a relative of the Dalton family.
Source: Jas. Watson "J.W." Dowe (1917-1996)
Bill Phillips' letter dated Jan. 15, 1989.
hope this fine youal ok gotten a letter from nancy and some material she said some of the Calif Daltons wouldnt talk to her & hung up on her I am so sorry I have told them that Nancy was Ok & she stood up for them some of them blame me of them being found but I not going to do any of them any harm
I got a letter from Kay Dolton she remarried after 10 years & she wanted to tell me of that & her new address Ill send copy
havnt heard of nothing of any of the Rats Steele Pannill & Huff so hope it stay that way
Nancy may have sent you these things but I will go ahead send copys
Fake letter written for Bill Phillips
Bill composed this letter and had a friend at his place of work write it for him.
Dec. 10, 89
My advise to Mr. Steele & his so called researchers to leave the Dalton family researching alone. If we wont any researching done we won't need his help or his helpers (over) calling some of the older Dalton Descendant. Although they might with a fake Hoax genealogy won't work.
Calif Dalton Descendant
This is another fraud committed by Bill Phillips.
Another Fake Letter
A forged letter made to look like it is from the Dalton family.
The envelope.
just had to keep diging him
if you can think of any thing else get some to write it or type it & Ill sennd it to you know where to mail this is just between you & I
Envelope addressed to
Phillip Steele
Box 191
Springdale, Ark 72765
Phillip Steele
Springdale, Ark.
Mr. Stealy
my sisters & I have been reading more & more about you besides the articles & tricky books you have writen.
Aunt Clarabelle told us all about your workers and John Benton like to have run them all carzy and they called police. I am sure they told you this and did you tell Nola about it.
We know how you have bought your way into Nola.
There have been more than one told us about that. Or would you like for us to write Nola. We would apriciate you leaving our Dalton history & our names out of all your so called books & etc!
The Dalton boys was Sunday School kids compared to you and your family. Write about your Outlaw Family you might get more out of it.
California Daltons
Bill Phillips' letter dated Nov. 8, 1990.
He admits to forging letters to look like they were from the Dalton family.
Nov 8, 1990
got the Coffeyville Journal yesterday & the letter to Steele today boy that was good and I promise no one will ever know but you & I - I put in a oversize envelope sealed up sent it to my brother in Calif put a note in there to mail any where in Calif.
he wont open so it will hard for Steele to figure out that it isnt the Calif Daltons
you know his Old book are probly all over Calif by now if you want to fix one for old Mark Pannill just when you get ready I feel you would know just what to say my brother has a P.O. Box they are coming about Thanksgiving so this will work out just fine he will get it & mail it back befor they leave I went on and put stamp onit they have some stamp like ours some are different
the Daltons out there hate so bad it is not a wonder they dont do something like this
if any thing every come of it Ill tell him I did it
(Bill's "brother in Calif" may be Doyle who lived in the San Francisco - Santa Rosa area during that time frame.)
Bill Phillips letter Dec. 20, 1990
Dec 20 - 90
got the Copy of Steele letter boy he is a hard one to slow down but I have a friend in Kingfisher She & I was talking about this Hoax warning letter she said she would like for Steele to get one & wonder if he has seen it she ask do you think it would be Ok to mail him Copy from Kingfisher & I said I guess Ok not thinking you name was alover it that is what its all about I am sorry I told her it was Ok to mail him copy that is why he had Harrell McCullough name on letter also I will send you Copy of what she mailed Steele the letter from Calif No one know nothing about that but you & I and I thank that got him all hot & mad dont you plus the Hoax letters and what realy pissed him off I bet was the Ann Dobson, Delaware Ok name he used in the book he never once admitts any of his wrongs you had him red handed there one the Ann Dobson name
but if it has upset you any I am so sorry because I feel Steele would have gotten the Hoax letter if I would have told the lady no dont mail Copy to Steele but he may have down the line gotten one befor they were floating every where I mail out quite a few to people I thought would be Ok in writing a message about Steele I will mail what part of the Steele letter the the Calif Daltons might like to read of
Any way hope that he hasn't upset you to much he isnt worth a person getting upset over he is the biggest Hoax I have every heard of Ijust had to write & tell you what it is all about have you wrote Harrell are do you want me to it wont take Harrell long to get him told I feel sure no the other letter mailed from Calif we are save on that no one but just us know
have a happy Holiday
it sure is cold here tonight got a Christmas Card from Lorne Johnson she just quite writing for some reason
Family Bible
It is curious that two significantly different versions were given to separate researchers within the span of a couple of years. (See the page dedicated to the Bible Record
The Hoaxster
This is how he really looked
Proof for his name
1930 census, OK, Garvin, Elmore City, Apr 18, HH 116/123
PHILIPS, Jack J, head, M, W, 38, TX, TX, TX
PHILIPS, Mary A., F, W, wife, 26, m at 15, OK, AL, AR
PHILIPS, Dorthy B, dau, 10, OK, TX, OK
PHILIPS, Lois L, son, 8, OK, TX, OK
PHILIPS, J.J., son, 7, OK, TX, OK
PHILIPS, Keneth T, son, 5, OK, TX, OK
PHILIPS, Jerald D, son, 2, OK, TX, OK
PHILIPS, Billy M, son, 0, OK, TX, OK
PHILIPS, Thomas L, father, M, W, 76, widowed, m at 24, TX, VA, US
Source: 1930 U.S. Federal Census
1940 census, OK, Garvin, Brady, April 2
all residence 1935: Garvin, OK
PHILLIPS, J.J., M, W, head, 47, TX
PHILLIPS, Annie, F, W, wife, 37, 37, OK
PHILLIPS, Dorthey, dau, 20, OK
PHILLIPS, Loyce, son, 18, OK
PHILLIPS, J.J., son, 17, OK
PHILLIPS, Kenneth, son, 15, OK
PHILLIPS, Geral Dene, son, 13, OK
PHILLIPS, Billy Murl, son, 11, OK
PHILLIPS, Norma Jean, dau, 9, OK
PHILLIPS, Doyle R, son, 5, OK
PHILLIPS, Larry D, son, 3, OK
Source: 1940 U.S. Federal Census
Bankruptcy record
Creditor Matrix
Exhibit C
In re: Tronox Incorporated, et al; Case No. 0910156 (ALG)
Page 130 of 1391
Source: Tronox, Inc. bankruptcy filing
Bill Phillip's aliases
U.S. Public Records Index
Name: Bill Dalton
Also Known As: Murl B. Phillips
2nd Also Known As: Bill M. Phillips
3rd Also Known As: Billy M. Phillips
Source: U.S. Public Records Index
Correspondence – Miscellaneous
Census, Land & Tax Records
These establish places of residence for the families and the birth place of Bea Elizabeth Phillips.
1850 U.S. Census, Carroll county, Missouri
(Family of Geo. P. Phillips.)
Source: 1850 U.S. Federal Census
1860 U.S. Census, Kerrville, Kerr county, Texas
(Family of Geo. P. Phillips. Tom Phillips, b. 1858, is on this census, born in Texas.)
Source: 1860 U.S. Federal Census
1870 U.S. Census, Kerrville, Kerr county, Texas
(Lines 3-5 is Geo. P. Phillips and sons John and Thomas.)
Source: 1870 U.S. Federal Census
1870 U.S. Census, Pleasant Hill, Cass county, Missouri
(James & Adeline Dalton are in Cass county, Missouri.)
Source: 1870 U.S. Federal Census
1880 U.S. Census, Kerrville, Kerr county, Texas
(Line 37 Geo. P. Phillips living with his daughter Elizabeth Williamson.)
Source: 1880 U.S. Federal Census
1880 U.S. Census, West Point, Bates, MO
(James & Adeline Dalton are in Bates county, Missouri.)
Source: 1880 U.S. Federal Census
1880 U.S. Census, Monroe, Colusa, California
(Ben, Frank, Lit, and Grat Dalton in California.)
Source: 1880 U.S. Federal Census
Kerr County, Texas Tax Rolls
Kerr County tax records at cover years 1856 through 1901. Links to images that were found for George Phillips or his son Thomas are below. (For some years, George Phillips is not on the roll, but a J.W. Phillips is. George had a son John W. Phillips, 1 year older than Thomas, who was born 1857 and died 1878. Perhaps he is the person listed on the rolls?)
The "image" links open the original image in a new page in your browser at
The "enhanced" links open an image that has been enhanced for better readability.
- 1856 image 3 – ( enhanced ) G.P. Phillips, no real or personal property listed. $0.75 poll tax.
- 1857 image 4 – ( enhanced ) G.P. Phillips: 3 town lots numbered 26, 33 & 34 in Kerrville, valued $430; one horse, $120; two cattle, $15; wagon & team, $150.
- 1858 image 2 – ( enhanced ) ? Did the enumerator make a mistake? This is P.G. Phillips (initials reversed), property #19, 4 acres, $400; original grantee: Benjamin F. Gage; claim class B; stream: Guadalupe; no town lots; 4 cattle, $30; 2 yoke oxen, $60.
- 1859 image 5 – ( enhanced ) G.P. Phillips, five town lots, $250; 3 yoke oxen, $480.
- 1860 image 4 – ( enhanced ) G.P. Phillips, no real or personal property listed; "Mis. Prop'y" $260.
- 1861 image 12 – ( enhanced ) ? Two Phillips, not sure of initials (either G.H. or J.H. and G.W. or J.W.). Neither has real or personal property listed, both have one horse and one of them has 100 head of cattle.
- 1862 image 5 – ( enhanced ) G.P. Phillips, no real property listed; 1 horse, $100; 1 cattle, $40.
- 1863 image 2 – ( enhanced ) G.P. Phillips, no taxable values listed.
- 1864 image 4 – ( enhanced ) G.P. Philips, abstract # 123; original grantee: Larry F. Lasza(?); 640 acres, $40.
- 1865 image 4 – ( enhanced ) G.P. Phillips, no real property listed; 40 cattle, $160; Mis. Prop'y, $40.
- 1867 image 4 – ( enhanced ) G.P. Phillips; no real or personal property listed; Misc. Property, $285.
- 1868 image 5 – ( enhanced ) Hard to read, looks like G.P. Philips, no real or personal property listed; 2 horses, $90; 4 cattle, $32; Misc. Prop'y, $14.
- 1869 image 5 – ( enhanced ) G.P. Phillips, no real or personal property listed; Misc. Prop'y, $300.
- 1870 image 5 – ( enhanced ) G.P. Phillips, no real or personal property listed; Misc. Prop. $430.
- 1871 image 7 – ( enhanced ) G.P. Phillips; Misc. Prop'y, $545.
- 1872 image 6 – ( enhanced ) G.P. Phillips; no real property; 1 horse, $40; Misc. Prop'y, $270.
- 1873 image 7 – ( enhanced ) G.P. Phillips, #205; no real property listed; 1 horse, $40; Misc. Prop'y, $100.
- 1874 image 8 – ( enhanced ) George Phillips is listed with a preemption grant for 160 acres, $80; 1 horse, $40; 4 head of cattle, $60.
- 1875 image 4 – ( enhanced ) G.P. Phillips; no real property listed; 1 horse or mule, $40; 4 cattle, $60.
- 1876 image 5 – ( enhanced ) ?? Can't read – might be George Phillips; 3 horses or mules, $70; Instruments, tools, machinery, vehicles, etc.: $65; Misc. Prop'y, $125.
- 1877 image 16 – ( enhanced ) & image 17 – ( enhanced ) J.W. Phillips, preemption, 160 acres, $200; 1 carriage, $50; 2 horses or mules, $60; 8 cattle, $140; misc. prop'y, $5.
- 1878 image 18 – ( enhanced ) J.W. Phillips, preemption, 160 acres, $200; 1 carriage, $30.
- 1879 image 25 – ( enhanced ) & image 26 – ( enhanced ) G.P. Phillips; no real property; 1 carriage, $30; 3 horses or mules, $110.
- 1881 image 30 – ( enhanced ) & image 31 – ( enhanced ) Thos. Phillips; no real property; 5 horses or mules, $125.
- 1882 image 27 – ( enhanced ) & image 28 – ( enhanced ) Thomas Phillips; no real property; 1 horse or mule, $50.
- 1883 image 31 – ( enhanced ) & image 32 – ( enhanced ) Thos. Philips; no real property; 1 carriage, $15; 2 horses or mules, $50.
- 1885 image 39 – ( enhanced ) & image 40 – ( enhanced ) Tom Phillips; no real property; 1 carriage, $40.
The Preemption Act (aka homestead) of 1845, enacted by the Congress of the Republic of Texas, allowed persons who had previously or would later settle upon and improve vacant (unappropriated) public lands the right to purchase (preempt) up to 320 acres. This act was replaced by the Homestead Act of 1854, which reduced homestead grants to 160 acres and required a residence of three years and improvements to the land and was continued under acts of 1866 and 1870 and under the state Constitution of 1876.
George Phillips was on the 1850 census in Carrol County, Missouri and then was in Kerr County, Texas for the 1860 census, implying he arrived in Texas between 1850 and 1860. The 160 acre preemption grant indicates he attempted to gain title to land under the act of 1854.
1890 Territorial Census
(Ben, Adeline, Leona, Nancy and Simon Dalton in Kingfisher, OK.)
Source: 1890 Oklahoma Territory Census
1900 U.S. Census, Chickasaw Nation, Indian Territory (now Oklahoma)
(Thomas Phillips is widowed with five children. All the children have Texas as the birth place of their mother – Bea Elizabeth Phillips.)
Source: 1900 U.S. Federal Census
1900 U.S. Census, Cimarron, Kingfisher, Oklahoma Territory
(Adeline Dalton with children Charles and Leona.)
Source: 1900 U.S. Federal Census
1900 U.S. Census, Lexington, Cleveland county, Oklahoma Territory
(Edwin Yeary, founder of the Yeary Funeral Home, is 24, a farmer and living at home with his widowed mother. He could not have had anything to do with Bea Elizabeth Phillips' burial.)
Source: 1900 U.S. Federal Census
1910 U.S. Census, Foster, Garvin county, Oklahoma
(Line 58 - Thomas L. Phillips is a farmer living alone.)
Source: 1910 U.S. Federal Census
1920 U.S. Census, Elmore, Garvin county, Oklahoma
(Lines 29-34; Tom Phillips, second wife Margeritte, sons Lee and Jack – note that both Lee and Jack's mother – Bea Elizabeth Phillips – is listed as born in Texas.)
Source: 1920 U.S. Federal Census
1930 U.S. Census, Elmore, Garvin county, Oklahoma
(Lines 50-58 Tom Phillips is living with son Jack – note that Jack's mother – Bea Elizabeth Phillips – is listed as born in Texas.)
This census provides the first proof for Bill Phillips' real name. He has used numerous aliases, including Bill Dalton, William Dalton Phillips and Bill Dalton Phillips, but his name is given here as Billy M. Phillips.
Source: 1930 U.S. Federal Census
1930 U.S. Census, Sayre, Beckham county, Oklahoma
William Phillips, son of Thomas and Bea Phillips – note that his mother – Bea Elizabeth Phillips – is listed as born in Texas.)
Source: 1930 U.S. Federal Census
1940 U.S. Census, Brady, Garvin county, Oklahoma
This census provides the next proof for Bill Phillips' real name. His full legal name is given – Billy Murl Phillips.
The 1940 census does not record the birth places of the parents, so it cannot be used to show the birth place for Bea Elizabeth Phillips.
Source: 1940 U.S. Federal Census
Dalton & Phillips Family Migrations
To help understand places of residence for the families.
Is it reasonable to believe that Bea Elizabeth was a child of James Lewis Dalton and Adeline Younger and left home before she turned 14? That is the story proffered by the Phillips family to explain why she never appears on any census with the Dalton family. The distances and timeline make this story difficult to believe.
James Dalton was from Kentucky and Adeline Younger from Missouri, where they married. Their children were born between 1852 & 1878, all in Missouri near Kansas City, with one being born in Kansas.
Tom Phillips was born 1858 in Kerrville, Kerr County, Texas and lived there through at least 1890-1891. He appears on the 1900 Indian Territory census a widower with five children, all born in Texas.
No document records the birth of Bea Elizabeth (last name probably Harrison), but family history says she was born 1856. The records that exist for her children all say she was born in Texas. Forged documents from the Phillips family say she was born in Missouri, which is required for her to be the daughter of James Lewis Dalton and Adeline Lee Younger.
Phillips family history says Tom Phillips was a Texas Ranger and they offer pay vouchers for a T. Phillips who served in Company C as proof. Company C served the west Texas Panhandle, see map above. There is no evidence to prove that T. Phillips is their ancestor.