1) Ruth Wiggins, Tulsa, Ok. Dalton researcher for over thirty years. No where in her files has a Bea Elizabeth child ever been mentioned in this family. Find letter enclosed.
2) Myrtle Abendroth, Kansas. This lady is considered to be perhaps the best authoirty (sic) on Dalton family of Lewis, Jr. and Adeline. Letter enclosed proves no girl child other than Leona, Eva, and Nancy in this family. Two others died at birth.
3) Henry Littleton interview - Littleton gave complete family history to Frank Latta for book. No Bea Elizabeth mentioned.
4) Adeline Dalton interview with Mr. Baeker, Kingfisher. No Bea Elizabeth mentioned.
5) Bill Livingston, Edna, KS. He interviewed Emmett Dalton on family. No Bea Elizabeth mentioned Kingfisher.
6) The retype of the article which appeared on the front page of the Ardmoreite, Saturday June 9, 1894 appears to have been altered from the original. Find the original enclosed and the retype. Note the original does not list a Bea Elizabeth child in this family. Also note the original, taken from Mrs. Bill Dalton's interview, shows Littletons age at 38 and was changed to 36 in the retype. How can this be explained?
7) Bea does not appear with family on 1860, 1870, or 1880 U.S. census records.
8) Adeline's obituary at the time of her death list all children. No Bea Elizabeth listed.
Dear Mr. Steele:
Lewis & Adeline Dalton did NOT have a 16th child. Louis Kossuth and Simon both had twin sisters, died infancy. There was only 5 daughters.
The twin tendency came thru Rabourn blood line not the Dalton or Younger.
The other set of twins, both girls were grandchildren of Mary Hughes and 'Bill' Mason Frakes Dalton so this set of twins were great grandchildren of Lewis and Adeline.
Best Regards -
Myrtle Abendroth
P.O. Box 371
Dighton, KS 76839
By the way, I never did hear from you on comparing the pictures or how it turned out by Louise Irwins saying Jeremiah was J. Frank. I no longer believe that he could be. What did you learn in that Research? Am still waiting for the "Report" you promised.
Myrtle (Dalton) Abendroth (1922-1988) was the daughter of Tarnce Jeptha DALTON (1882 MO - 1938 MO) and Maggie W. KEENEY (1882-1961). So far as I can tell, she was not related to this DALTON family.
Ken -
Find enclosed a letter I received recently from Myrtle Abendroth of Dighton, Kansas. This is the wierd (sic) lady I once told you about - She is very strange, as are many of us Dalton researchers I suppose, but she knows more about the Daltons than anyone I know. She originally sent me a great deal through another lady in Memphis, a Mrs. Erwin, who is researching Kit Dalton. She is strange also but they seem to know a great deal. Problem with Myrtle is, she won't ever give the whole story or tell all - she gives bits and pieces at a time - She sent me a photo of Jerimiah Franklin Dalton, son of W.C. Dalton that married Della Phillips. The man looks exactly like our J. Frank who claimed to be Jesse James only younger. I therefore believe this Jerimiah and J. Frank are the same man. Jerimiah Frank was born in 1864. He would therefore
have been 84 years of age when he claimed to be Jesse James in Lawton in 1948. Makes more since. Also W.C. Meridith Dalton and wife Della Phillips Dalton are buried Waxahatchie, Tex near where J. Frank hung out in Waco / Austin regions. Note the Phillips connection. I feel Bill Phillips and Bea Elizabeth may somehow come from the W.C.M. Dalton / Della Phillips / J. Frank lines. This is only Phillips I have ever found in Dalton study.
The enclosed letter from Myrtle proves for certain that there was no other girl in the Lewis/Adeline Dalton family. Leona, Eva, Nancy. Two other daughters died at birth to total 5. I may send a copy of this letter to Bill Phillips. Believe me, Myrtle, though strange knows a very great deal about this family and I consider all I have received from Myrtle to be accurate.
Myrtle once told me in a letter she would answer my mail
and that she knew all about Dalton family but told me to never call her or come to see her. She is related to Daltons some way but doesn't want anyone to know - Be careful about writing her - I have all she has anyway I think.
Excuse the handwritten letter - Thought you would like to see enclosed confirmation of 5 only daughters, three only lived.
Yours truly,
Philip Steele
cc. Mark S. Pannill
April 10, 1987
Phillip W. Steele
P.O. Box 191
Springdale, AR 72765
Dear Mr. Steele,
In answer to your letter of March 3rd, asking for information on a Bea Elizabeth Dalton Phillips, among my records of the Dalton Family I do not have a Bea Elizabeth Dalton and I doubt she was telling the truth about being the daughter of Lewis & Adeline Dalton. She would have been listed in the census records of 1860 and 1870 of Missouri. I have a copy of the newspaper clipping on the obituary of Adaline Dalton taken from the library in Bartlesville, OK and no mention of her ever having a daughter named Bea or Elizabeth.
Sorry, I can not help.
Ruth Wiggins
44 South 71st East Ave
Tulsa, OK 74112