No mention – anywhere – of a PHILLIPS relative.
These are more examples of the newspaper accounts of the deaths of the Dalton family members.
There is no reference in any of these
to anyone named Phillips or Bea or Elizabeth.
Mason Frakes "Bill" Dalton (1894)
The Rewards, Aggregating $25,000
Will be Paid to the Brave Offi-
cers – The Country Can Now
Draw a Sigh of Relief, for
the Terror of the West
is no More – The Rest
of the Gang Will
be Caught.
Bill Dalton is dead, he died with his boots on and pistol in hand, died like a hunted tiger, died the death of an outlaw, but died true game. This has been flashed from Ardmore to every point in the United States compassed by wire and no doubt the boldest outlaw that over figured in the western country has passed from the stage of action, which will cause the express companies, railroads and banks from Kansas city to Galveston on the south and San Francisco on the west to breathe easier knowing this man terror is no more. For some weeks It has been almost positively known that a band of thieves were making the country between Healdton and Elk their head quarters and that section has been closely watched since the Longview bank robbery. This suspicion was reduced to a certainty Thursday when Houston Wallace well known here and two strange women came to town and began to spend money very freely. Wallace was known to be a man of limited means and doubtful integrity, so when he was seen to possess money in profusion his every step was watched. The women gave their names as Mrs. Brown and Miss Pruit. After spending $200 or more at various and sundry places, Wallace went to the exppress (sic) office and obtained a box of suspicious appearance, which gave an excuse for arrest. He was taken into custody and the box found to contain three gallons of whiskey. He was held on a charge of introducing and placed in jail, the women were also held under guard.
Their purchases consisted of an unusual amount of winchester cartridges of assorted calibers, dress goods, jewelry, groceries suited to camp life and a complete camping outfit.
Deputy Freeman noticed the box of whiskey and told Deputy Lindsay and the two made the first arrest. After the arrest, the women maintained a stolid silence as did Wallace.
Acting on suspicion and a strong clue, Deputy Lindsay as captain organized a posse consisting of the following well known fearless officers: C. L. Hart, J. H. Letherman, C. R. Denton, J. M. Reynolds, D. E. Booker W. B. Freeman, W. H. Glover and E. W. Roberts; They left that evening and rode all night arriving at the house of Houston Wallace Friday morning at 8 o'clock, where the posse divided into squads to reconnoitre (sic) the premises. Everything around the house seemed quiet, no unusual stirring about being noticeable. All seen were some women, and children playing in the yard. A slow and prearanged (sic) advance was made on the house and when within 200 yards of the place, a woman driving in some calves came upon of the squads. She tried to maintain her composure and went to the house beating the officers there and notified Dalton who was on the inside. He immediately jumped through the window in the rear of the house, thinking that was unguarded. In this he was mistaken for there stood Los Hart, true game and a dead shot. He called to Dalton to surrender but instead of throwing up his hands he ducked his bead and started for the timber where no doubt the remainder of the gang was in hiding. Again Hart called "Surrender" when Dalton went for his gun, but he was too late for Hart fired his ball going true to the mark entered the vitals, and Dalton fell prostrate and dying. He made but one movement and that was to turn from His face to his back. When the officers got to him he was dead. Deputy Lindsay espied another man at a window in the house and threw down on him. He had pistol in hand but disappeared and it is not known what became of Him. The women were told to leave the house which they lost no time in doing, repairing to the barn. The officers then advanced on the house, and on entering failed to find any other occupants. What became of the other man remains a mystery. Once in the house a search was begun. Everything was in confusion. Money was found in every conceivable place and strange to say without attempt at hiding. The amount of money recovered is not definitely known. Dalton had $285 on his person, and it is stated semi-authentically that about $1700 was recovered. One thing is a settled fact, a money sack with the brand of the Longview bank was captured settling beyond any question of doubt that Dalton was one of the band. The identity of the dead man was fully established by a package of letters found in Mrs. Dalton alias Brown's trunk, from the now dead robber to his wife and addressed to her at Fresno and New Alameda, California. There were also found in the room all kinds of firearms except winchesters. Strange as it may seem Dalton was undoubtedly caught napping, as he only had his sixshooter and was given no opportunity to use that. This man, the terror of the west, was laid low with but a single shot fired.
The rewards outstanding for the capture of Dalton it is thought will aggregate $25,000, which will go to the brave officers who took their lives in their hands to effect his capture.
The remains were taken in charge, placed in a wagon, and the march homeward commenced. About five miles from town Mrs. Dalton and Miss Prewitt, who had been released, were met and told that Bill Dalton had been killed. Mrs. Dalton at first disclaimed any knowledge of Dalton or what was meant, but in a few moments she broke completely down and in a fit of weeping, said she was Mrs. Dalton, and in piteous cries bemoaned the death of her husband. Her grief was most affecting when the wagon bearing the corpse came up. She was placed in the buggy and returned to the city, going directly to Undertaker Appollas' establishment, where she ordered his body embalmed and prepared in the very best style for shipment. A curious crowd surrounded the place to get a glimpse of her. The Ardmoreite reporter approached her but her lips were sealed against an interview. The only thing she would say was, "all I want is to be left alone in my grief." In a few moments the corpse was driven up and fully 1000 people pushed and jammed in and around the building so that it was almost impossible to get inside with the remains. The reporter was there, and for the first time in life, beheld what was left of a real train and bank robber. The dead man was placed on a stretcher. He was undoubtedly a fine specimen of physical manhood, being about five feet eight, and weighing about 165 to 175 pounds, and is thwenty-nine (sic) years of age.
The widowed wife of a few hours was taken to the Sherman Hotel and given comfortable apartments. Here another attempt at an interview failed. She wired her mother in California and it is understood will ship the remains there for interment. She is a woman above the ordinary intelligence and perfectly lady like in her deportment. She says bill Dalton was her husband and that she loved him. She is the mother of two children, which are now at Houston Wallace's place. On her return here she immediately sent for her attorneys, Mrs. Dick & Brown and placed the management of her affairs in their hands. They are using every endeavor to see that she is not imposed upon nor unnecessarily harrassed (sic) by the idle curiosity of spectators. That her interests will be ably guarded by them goes without saying. They have been very diligent in receiving and carrying out her instructions just as earnestly as though she bad been the wife of the most prominent man of the nation in similar condition. It is learned she was open in her confession of identity of the dead man and gave them a detailed history of the varied scenes of her eventual life.
A traveling fakir, who was in the city yesterday when the news of Dalton's capture was first brought in, said that if it was Bill Dalton he could identify him. He then described him in detail and when the body was examined his description and the man corresponded exactly. He viewed the remains and made affidavit to the above effect.
Though unable to have a personal interview with Mrs. Dalton, the Ardmoreite has, from a reliable source, the following bit of hers and Bill's family history. My maiden name was Jennie Bleven, am twenty-seven years old, was born in Spanish Lack county, California; met Bill Dalton in California and married him in 1884, in Merced county, that state. At that time he was wealthy. He served two terms in the California legislature from Merced county. We lived there after marriage about six years. I have two children a boy nine and a girl seven years old. Their names are Charles and Gracie. My husband has five living brothers. They are Charles, aged forty-three; Coleman, forty; Littleton, thirty-eight; Simon, fifteen and Emmett, who is serving a life sentence in Lansing penitentiary. Of these Charlie lives in King Fisher county, Oklahoma, and the younger one with his mother in the same county. There are three sisters of whom two are at home with their mother, aged twenty and eighteen years respectfully. The other, Mrs. Whipple, lives near Kingfisher. She will not talk of the history of Bill since he began to lead a life of crime, nor drop a word that will throw light on the identity of his comrades. One of them is known possibly to be Jim Wallace, brother of Houston Wallace now in jail.
Mrs. Dalton wired her brother In California, also his mother and brothers at Kingfisher. Some of them are expected to arrive here to night. The bank officers at Longview have also been notified and will be here tonight.
All day hundreds of people have crowded around Appollas' undertaking establishment where the body lies in state, embalmed subject to the orders of the sorrowing widow. The people come from the country in gangs and throughout the day knots of men could be seen together earnestly discussing the one topic of conversation. It was Dalton in a thousand different terms. There are as a natural consequence doubting Thomases who knew it was not Dalton and there were others who would knowingly nod their heads, blink their eyes and say "I know lots" but that was all they would tell.
Of one thing there can be no doubt, one of the Longview bank robbers is dead and there is little, in fact we think none at all, but he is Bill Dalton for whose head large rewards are standing today and to which the brave officers are entitled. They have earned it and at the same time sustained their reputation for bravery and fearless vilgilance (sic) in the discharge of their duty. Captain Lindsay speaks in the highest terms of praise of each one of his posse and says he has every reason to feel proud of their distinguished honors. Los Hart is commended on every hand for the manner In which he has added laurels to his reputation for bravery and at the same time added largely to his exchequer when rewards are paid.
What came near being a fatal feature of the final attack on the Wallace house yesterday morning is related by the officers. In reconoitering (sic) the deputies divided into two squads, each taking a ridge from which a good view of the surroundings could be had. A little after day light they espied each other and their failure of recognition was mutual. They thought they had the robbers. Each party sought advantage by taking trees and slowly, by opportunities offered, of safely doing so advanced. Guns were leveled and twice the command to fire was given, but fortunately was postponed for plainer view. Deputy Freeman would have been the victim and the only circumstance which saved his life was Deputy Leatherman stepping out in plain view who was recognized by his dress and hostilities ceased.
Source: The Daily Ardmorite, Page 1, Vol. 1, No. 189, Saturday, June 9, 1894, Ardmore, Chickasaw Nation, Indian Territory (Oklahoma)
Source: The Daily Ardmorite, Page 1, Vol. 1, No. 189, Saturday, June 9, 1894, Ardmore, Chickasaw Nation, Indian Territory (Oklahoma)
Some Observations:
Much of this article is sensationalized and some of it is just not true.
There is no credible evidence — that would stand up in court — that Bill Dalton ever committed any crime. The men who pursued and shot him were later indicted for murder and prosecuted. They were not convicted, but the indictments and trial indicate the actions they took that day were questionable. (Some accounts said he was shot in the back while sitting on his porch.)
There is no record of a reward being offered for Bill Dalton and none was ever paid.
The reporter indicates he tried to interview Jennie (Bliven) Dalton at least twice but was refused each time. Then he presents details about her family as if in the first person from her, saying only it is from a "reliable source", but the list of living siblings of Bill Dalton agrees with what is known of the family.
The Hoax alleges that a woman who lived ten miles to the west, Bea Elizabeth Phillips, was another sister but there is no credible evidence supporting that assertion and substantial evidence exists that she is not related. She is not mentioned in this article, though living nearby, and there is no mention of her in any other record of the Dalton family.
Jennie is reported to have said she was born in Spanish Lack county, California – no place by that or a similar name has been found.
Bill Dalton had presented himself as older than he was to Jennie and her parents, perhaps to obtain permission to marry her. He also was not wealthy and there is no record he ever sought or held any political office anywhere. He is on the California voter registration list for 1888 in Merced County.
(Some notes here are from correspondence with Nancy Samuelson and others from her book "The Dalton Gang Story", which, though thorough and well-researched, devotes five pages (pp 39-43) to Bea Elizabeth Phillips as a child of James Lewis Dalton and Adeline Lee Younger and a sister of Bill Dalton.)
Nannie Dalton Clute (1902)
Kingfisher Free Press, Jan. 2, 1902
Miss Nannie Dalton was born near Belton, a small town in Cass county, Missouri, March 21, 1876, and died at her home in Kingfisher, Oklahoma, December 27, 1901, aged 25 years, 9 months, and 16 days. A few years ago last spring her widowed mother brought her family Emmett Dalton, now in Kansas, being a son, into this new country and settled on the claim now occupied by them five miles north east of this city. On this farmstead, made sacred by many memories sweet and bitter, Nannie made her home, the joy, the comfort, the light of her loving mother's life. Five years ago Charles M. Clute won her love and they were joined together in one until death did them part. Four years ago this winter while attending special services in the Methodist church in this city, conducted by the pastor, Rev. J.W. Sherwood, and Evangelist B.E. Shawhan, she kneeled at the alter by her husband's side and gave her heart to God. She was a lovely Christian woman. To know her was to love her. But she has been called to her long home and the mourners go about the streets and we fondly believe that her soul has gone to live forever with God. The funeral was held in the first M.E. church, her pastor, Rev. W.W. Woodward, officiating and the interment was made on her mother's farm near the city.
Cole Dalton (1908)
Oklahoma City Times, Friday, Aug. 28, 1908
Kingfisher, Okla., Aug 28.
Cole Dalton, brother of the famous Dalton band of outlaws who terrorized Oklahoma 15 years ago, is on his way to visit his mother, who resides on a farm four miles northeast of here.
Cole is one of the older boys, and has been a successful ranchman in San Luis, Obispo county, California, for a number of years. He is now dying with consumption, and a telegram received here yesterday by Mrs. Dalton stated that it was hardly probable that he could live till he reached Kingfisher.
Emmett Dalton, one of the members of the famous Coffeyville raid, lives in Tulsa; Ben, the older brother, is in Kansas; Simon, the younger, lives with his mother here; Lytton is in California; one daughter lives here; one in El Reno, one in Chicago. Frank was killed near Ft. Smith while serving as a deputy United States marshal; Bob and Grat were killed in Coffeyville, and Bill was killed near Ardmore, by Bud Ledbetter.
Cole Dalton (1920)
Kingfisher Free Press, Tuesday, Mar. 2, 1920
Henry Coleman Dalton was born in the state of Missouri, November 26th, 1853 and died in Des Moines, New Mexico last Friday, February 27, 1920, aged 66 years, 3 months and 1 day.
Mr. Dalton went from Missouri to Colorado and later to California and then came to Kingfisher County, Oklahoma, where he resided until about ten years ago, when he went to New Mexico for his health. He visited his mother and sister this winter, returning to his home three weeks ago. He was taken ill with influenza and lived only a few days. He was at one time a member of the Presbyterian Church of this city.
The deceased is survived by an aged mother, two sisters, Miss Leona Dalton of this city and Mrs. Whipple of Purcell, Okla., and four brothers, C.B. of this city, Littleton and Emmett of California and Simon of Blackwell.
Funeral services were held this morning at the Bracken Undertaking Parlors, conducted by Rev. Job Ingram, assisted by Rev. R.B. Norton, pastor of the Presbyterian Church. Music was furnished by a quartette, consisting of Mr. and Mrs. R.A. Frakes and Mr. and Mrs. Russell Dunlap. Interment was made in Kingfisher cemetery.
Simon Nolan Dalton (1928)
Kingfisher Free Press, Thursday, Sept. 20, 1928
Simon Nolan Dalton was born July 6, 1879, at Belton, MO. and died at University Hospital, Oklahoma City, September 13, 1928, at the ate of 49 years, 2 months, 7 days, after an illness of over four months - as the result of of an automobile accident at Davenport, Okla., June 1st. Mr. Dalton was in the employ of an oil company. He was going to work in a borrowed car, and started across the Santa Fe tracks, colliding with a freight train. His right leg was broken two inches below the hip and one break in the ankle, besides internal injuries.
Mr. Dalton was the youngest of thirteen children, and is survived by three brothers, Emmett, Lit and Ben living in California; two sisters, Mrs. E.D. Whipple of Siloam Springs, Ark., and Miss Leona Dalton of Oklahoma City.
Only Miss Leona Dalton and Mr. and Mrs. Roy Clute of Oklahoma City were able to attend the funeral.
Simon was reared in Kingfisher county, and lived here until 25 years of age. At the outbreak of the Spanish-American war he enlisted and served until the close of the war.
Funeral services were held at the Bracken Funeral Home, Friday afternoon, at 3:30, by Rev. Chas. Schwab, pastor of the Christian church. Pall bearers were chosen from among those who knew him most intimately here during his early life and were: C.P. Wickmiller, Charles Brown, John Phillips, Clyde Smith, Hal Mead and Ed Ingram.
(Note: Charles P. "C.P." WICKMILLER, born 1849 in Prussia, had the first drugstore in Oklahoma, located in Kingfisher. He earlier (1925) served as pallbearer at Simon's mother's funeral see Adeline Dalton's obituary, Kingfisher Free Press, Jan. 19, 1925.)
Interment in Kingfisher cemetery by the side of his mother, who preceded him to the life beyond about three years ago.
John Phillips, pall bearer, was not related to the family of Bea Elizabeth Phillips – see "Phillips References" for proof.
Eva May Dalton Whipple (1939)
Kingfisher Free Press, Monday, Jan. 30, 1939
Eva May Dalton was born January 25, 1867, at Belton, Mo., and passed away at age of 72 years and 3 days.
Upon completing her education,she engaged in teaching, met and was married J.N. Whipple of Meade, Kans., on November 20, 1888. Her husband preceded her in death, passing away in 1932.
Mr. and Mrs. Whipple came to Kingfisher during the year of the opening of the old Oklahoma Territory. They resided here for some years, but Mrs. Whipple returned to live with her sister in 1934, and made this her home until her death.
At the age of 16, Mrs. Whipple united with the Methodist church at Oswego, Kans. Her membership was transferred to the Kingfisher Methodist church after she made her home here.
For the past four years Mrs. Whipple had been in failing health and for the past month her condition was serious. Death came as a release to the tired and weary body.
She is survived by her sister, Miss Leona Dalton of Kingfisher; one brother, Littleton Dalton of California; a granddaughter, Mrs. W.D. Meadows of Huston (sic), Tex.; and a nephew, Roy M. Clute of Oklahoma City.
Just a few days before her death she marked a prayer in her book of daily devotiion, "O God, gracious and supreme, let the power of Christ rest upon me that I may turn all living into spiritual good, for Jesus' sake. Amen."
Funeral services were held at 2:30 p.m. Sunday at the Bracken Funeral Home, Rev. H.A. Morton officiating, assisted by Rev. Everard Carter. Burial was made in Kingfisher Cemetery.
Kingfisher Free Press, Monday, Jan. 30, 1939
Final rites for Mrs. Eva May Whipple were held at 2:30 p.m. Sunday at the Bracken Funeral Home. Rev. H.A. Morton officiated, assisted by Rev. J. Everard Carter. Interment was made in the Kinfisher cemetery, Bracken Funeral home in charge.
Mrs. Whipple had been in failing health for the past four years, and her condition had been serious during the past month. She passed away on Saturday, January 28, at the home of her sister, Miss Leona Dalton, with whom she had made her home since 1934. She and her husband came to Kingfisher at the opening of the old Oklahoma territory and resided here a number of years. She was 72 years old.
Surviving Mrs. Whipple are Miss Dalton, one brother, Littleton Dalton of California, a granddaughter and a nephew. Mr. Whipple died several years ago.
Her obituary appears elsewhere in this issue.
Littleton Dalton (1942)
Woodland Daily Democrat, Jan. 28, 1942
Littleton Dalton, 84, resident of Broderick for 19 years and formerly of Willows, died at 8:45 p.m. Friday at the county hospital after being gravely ill for 10 days. He often had told his many friends in the river district that his late brother, Jack, was a member of the notorious Dalton gang.
Kraft brothers are making funeral plans.
Mr. Dalton was born in Jackson County, Missouri. He came to California in 1878 and worked throughout the state before going to Glenn county where he worked as a sheepherder for 20 years before moving to this county.
He is survived by a nephew, Charles C. Dalton of Lodi. Two sisters, Miss Leona Dalton and Mrs. Eva J. Whipple reside in Arkansas. A brother, Simon, died recently in Arkansas.
(source: "The Dalton Gang Story", p. 48)
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