This page contains Research Notes only.

Floyd-McDade Seduction Newspaper Articles

Arranged by publication date.

C. V. Floyd – Piano Tuner.
C. V. Floyd – Piano Tuner.
The Shelby County Herald
February 21, 1900, Wednesday

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C. V. Floyd – Piano Tuner

— C. V. Floyd of Keokuk, Iowa, arrived here Monday.  He is a piano tuner and bears excellent recommendation.  He expects in the future to visit this city every three months, coming here again next May.

"C. V. Floyd – Piano Tuner." The Shelby County Herald (Shelbyville, MO), Wednesday, February 21, 1900, p. 4, col. 3.

C. V. Floyd, Embezzler.
C. V. Floyd, Embezzler.
St. Louis Globe-Democrat
May 25, 1904, Wednesday

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C. V. FLOYD, Embezzler

— C. V. Floyd, a piano tuner who visited this city several times about two years ago, is under arrest at Hannibal charged with embezzling over $400 from Miss Irene Willis, who conducts a music store in that city.

"C. V. FLOYD, Embezzler." St. Louis Globe-Democrat (St. Louis, MO), Sunday, May 12, 1904, p. 9, col. 4.

C. V. Floyd Shot
C. V. Floyd Shot
The Houston Post
October 26, 1904, Wednesday

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Four Bullets Were Fired Into Him at Close Range.


Refuse to Discuss the Matter, but Have Wired to Hempstead for an Attorney.

(Houston Post Special.)

Halletsville, Texas, October 25. — Yesterday afternoon a young man came here on the train and registered at the Park hotel under the name of W. H. Lehman.

This morning R. R. McDade, Jr., and John McDade arrived here and registered at the same hotel.  About noon they were sitting on the gallery, when Lehman came up to the hotel from town.  Four shots were at once fired into the body of Lehman, killing him instantly.

The McDades were arrested by City Marshal East and taken to the court house and turned over to Sheriff Noble.  They declined to make any statement, but at once communicated with R. R. McDade, their father, who, accompanied bf (sic) Hon.. R. E. Hannay, an attorney of Hempstead, will reach this place tonight.

The remains of the deceased were taken to an undertaker's and prepared for burial, but will be held until his relatives are heard from.  It has been ascertained that his correct name was C. V. Floyd and that he was a piano tuner.

It is reported that he deserted a sister of the McDades in Eagle Lake, from which place she was taken home by another brother last night, while these two came here in search of Floyd.

Floyd was a young man of perhaps thirty, smooth shaven and neatly dressed.  He was unarmed.

"C. V. FLOYD SHOT", The Houston Post, Wednesday, October 26, 1904, p. 8, col. 6.

Halletsville Killing.
Halletsville Killing.
The Houston Post
October 27, 1904, Thursday

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Examining Trial Has Been Set for Today.

(Houston Post Special.)

Halletsville, Texas, October, 26. — Messrs. R. R. McDade, Jim Lipscomb, J. D. Harvey and R. E. Hanney arrived here from Hempstead this morning.  The first is the father of R. R. McDade, Jr., who killed C. V. Floyd here yesterday; the others are his friends.

The term of district court ends by limitation Saturday, so the grand jury will not be reconvened.  Justice of the Peace S. J. Townsend will tomorrow (Thursday) hold an examining trial.

The remains of Floyd were buried in the city cemetery this afternoon.  Dr. Gregory, his brother-in-law, came here from Corpus Christi to attend the funeral.

"HALLETSVILLE KILLING." The Houston Post, Thursday, October 27, 1904, p. 5, col. 7.

C. V. Floyd Killed.
C. V. Floyd Killed.
The Hallettsville New Era
October 28, 1904, Friday

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C. V. Floyd Killed.

R. R. McDade, of Hempstead, Slays His Sister's Seducer..

C. V. Floyd, a traveling piano tuner and repairer was shot four times and instantly killed by Rivers R. McDade, Jr., a prominent young farmer of Hempstead, Texas, the tragedy occurring at the Park Hotel in this city Tuesday.

The deceased, who has previously visited Hallettsville, arrived here Monday from Eagle Lake.  He registered at the Park Hotel under the assumed name of W. H. Lehman, stating to Mr. Pepper as his reason for doing so that the brothers of a girl were following him and that he was afraid they would harm him.  On Tuesday morning's "Davy Crockett" there arrived R. R. and John McDade, the brothers of whom Floyd had spoken.  They also put up at the Park Hotel and in order to throw their quarry off his guard, also registered under assumed names and at once retired, sleeping until late in the forenoon.

Some time before the shooting occurred, they seated themselves on the hotel porch which is the main entrance to the hotel and commands a view of the driveway leading up to it.  About 11:50 a. m., Floyd, who had been in town plying his trade, came up the drive way.  In one hand he had a grip and in the other an umbrella, and was unarmed and oblivious of the fate that awaited him.  Rivers McDade met him, revolver in hand, told him who he was, to which Floyd answered, "You've got me." and then shot him four times in rapid succession, firing the last shot into his prostrate body and snapping a fifth cartridge several times without exploding it.  Floyd was almost instantly killed.  One bullet penetrated his body just above the heart, two others entered his stomach and the fourth entered his groin.  The weapon was a 44 calibre Colt's revolver.  Besides McDade's brother, there seem to have been no eye witnesses to the shooting, much of the foregoing particulars having been obtained from the principals who were disposed to talk freely of the tragedy.

Marshal O. T. East was eating dinner in the hotel at the time and was among the first to reach the scene of the tragedy.  He promptly placed under arrest the shootist, who surrendered without resistance, coolly remarking as he handed over his pistol" "He (Floyd) is wearing my sister's watch charm now."  He also stated that the dead man had ruined his sister.  John McDade, who was armed but took no part in the shooting was placed under arrest a few seconds later.  Both were taken by Mr. East to the courthouse and before being placed in jail were allowed to telephone to their father, R. R. McDade, Sr., at Hempstead, who arrived here the following day in company with his sons, James and Wright McDade, as well as R. D. Hannay, a well known attorney, Sheriff J. C. Lipscomb and County Judge J. D. Harvey, all of that city.

The remains of the deceased were taken to J. M. Mikulenka's undertaking shop, and there prepared for burial.  From letters found on his person, it appeared that he had a mother and other relatives in Corpus Christi, who were at once notified, with the result that Pick and Drew Floyd, brothers, and Dr. G. W. Gregory, brother-in-law of the deceased arrived here Wednesday afternoon.  It was decided to bury the dead man here and his funeral occurred in the City cemetery Wednesday at 4 p. m., Rev. H. F. Stamps officiating.

The following is substantially the statement made by the McDade brothers in regard to the causes leading up to the tragedy: Some three weeks ago Floyd came to Hempstead and while in pursuit of his vocation met and soon became intimate with Miss Kate McDade, aged about 24 years.  Owing to parental objection, Floyd under promise of marriage prevailed on Miss McDade to elope with him.  After hearing of the elopement her father told three of his sons to follow and in case they were married, not to harm Floyd, but to bring them home to receive forgiveness.  The three brothers traced them to Houston, where they found that no marriage license had been issued to them.  Thoroughly aroused, they bent every energy to find the couple, finally locating them at Eagle Lake.  Arriving there Sunday after noon, they found their sister.  She had been abandoned the same day by what she believed to be her lawful husband.  She stated that a marriage ceremony had been performed in Houston, but it now became plain to the brothers that she had been infamously tricked into a bogus ceremony.  Then and there a sentence of death was passed on the scoundrel that had taken advantage of a pure and trusting woman's innocence.  They managed to ascertain that Floyd had gone to Hallettsville, and the rest is known.

Floyd was aged about 30 years, was smooth shaven, of medium height and slim build.  District Attorney Atkinson, who with County Attorney Bagby, examined the letters found on the person of the deceased, informs The New Era that it is apparent that he was a devilishly cunning seducer and bigamist.  The letters went to show that he had married and deserted at least four women in Illinois, St. Louis, Mo., and other parts of the Union, also that he was corresponding with ten other women, with all of whom he seemed to be on intimate terms.  Sheriff Lipscomb, of Waller county, also stated to a New Era reporter that Floyd is wanted in St. Louis on a charge of forgery.  In view of the circumstances surrounding the entire affair it is natural that public sympathy is with the slayer, rather than with the slain, though both were known but little here.

Rivers McDade waived examination before Justice S. J. Townsend yesterday morning and was placed under bond in the sum of $2000 with J. D. Harvey, R. E. Hannay and R. R. McDade, Sr., as sureties.  His brother, John, was released.  The amount of the bail had been agreed upon the evening before at a meeting of the relatives of the deceased, McDade's lawyers, and the district attorney.  Floyd's relatives, who are all respectable people, seem disposed not to take any active part in McDade's prosecution.

McDade is aged about 35 years.  He is a deputy sheriff and an ex-soldier, having served in the Philippines during the early part of the insurrection.  His father is a prominent and well-to-do farmer of near Hempstead, and is a member of the state commission appointed to award the $50,000 boll weevil prize.

"C. V. Floyd Killed." The Hallettsville New Era (Hallettsville, TX), Friday, October 28, 1904, p. 3, col. 1.

Floyd Killing Timeline
Floyd Killing Timeline
The Matagorda County Tribune
October 28, 1904, Friday

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From Thursday's Daily.

In yesterday's Daily Tribune was an account of the killing of Floyd, a piano tuner, at Halletsville, by two McDade brothers of Hempstead, whose sister he had betrayed.  From all we can learn, this tragedy came near being enacted in our city.

Floyd had gone to Matagorda with the girl, and then came here, and, the three McDade brothers, who were on their trail, arrived here on the afternoon Southern Pacific about the time the pair they were hunting took the Cane Belt train for Eagle Lake.  Floyd was then going under the name of Lehman, the name he was sailing under when killed at Halletsville.  He tuned several pianos here, among them that of G. M. Magill.

It was about five o'clock in the afternoon when the three McDade brothers had traced the pair up and found that they had gone to Eagle Lake.  They at once offered Ben Kuykendall twelve dollars to take them to Wharton by midnight, and he got them there by 11 o'clock, eating supper at J. H. McCroskey's en route.  At Wharton they immediately waked up T. Able and took a livery rig for Eagle Lake.  At Eagle Lake they caught their sister and sent her home with one of her brothers, while the other two followed Floyd to Halletsville and killed him.

Mr. Kuykendall says they evaded all questions he put to them as to the nature of the business that was so pressing that they could not wait for a train to Eagle Lake.

"Floyd Killing Timeline", The Matagorda County Tribune, (Bay City, TX), Friday, October 28, 1904, p. 9, col. 4.

Floyd Known in Temple.
Floyd Known in Temple.
The Galveston Daily News
October 29, 1904, Saturday

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He was Separated From His Wife About a Year Ago.

Special to The News.

Temple, Tex., Oct. 28. — Much interest was aroused here over the report from Hallettsville in the papers of Tuesday relating to the killing of C. V. Floyd at that place.  The dead man formerly resided here, leaving about a year ago.  While here he followed the occupaton of piano tuner.  His wife and child lived with him here for a while until finally a separation took place.  Her father came here from Illinois and took the wife and child home with him, since which time little has been known of the people involved until the account of the killing at Hallettsville was read.  Floyd had a brother here who has gone to the scene of the tragedy to ascertain the facts concerning the case.

"FLOYD KNOWN IN TEMPLE." The Galveston Daily News, Saturday, October 29, 1904, p. 3, col. 5.

C. V. Floyd Wanted for Embezzlement.
C. V. Floyd Wanted for Embezzlement.
La Grange Journal
November 17, 1904, Thursday

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Sheriff A. B. Noble received a letter last week from Eugene E. Nelson, prosecuting attorney of Hannibal, Mo., stating that C. V. Floyd who was shot and killed here two weeks ago, was wanted in that city on two charges of embezzlement.  He writes that Floyd was a dangerous man. — Hallettsville New Era.

"C. V. Floyd Wanted for Embezzlement.", La Grange Journal, (La Grange, TX), Thursday, November 17, 1904, p. 3, col. 2.

Habeus Corpus Trial
Habeus Corpus Trial
Halletsville Herald
April 13, 1905, Thursday

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Habeus (sic) Corpus Trial.

Before the grand jury adjourned Saturday for the week they returned true bills against R. R. McDade, Jr., and John McDade for murder.  The act for which they were indicted is still fresh in the minds of our people.  On October 25th of last year C. U. (sic) Floyd, a traveling piano tuner, was shot and killed in front of the Park Hotel by R. R. McDade, jr.  His younger brother John, was with him at the time, but took no part in the affray.

The causes leading up to the killing are also fresh in the minds of our readers.  Suffice to say the McDades considered that they avenged a sister's wronging, and public sentiment freely expressed at the time favored them.  When Floyd's past record was uncovered, his career at Sedalia, Joplin and other Missouri towns and at Coalgate, I. T. indicated that it was of an exceedingly unsavory character.  But there is no necessity of the Herald speaking of this.  When the trial comes off the case will be plainly stated.  From the present outlook however it will result in acquittal.

The two principals accompanied by their father R. R. McDade, sr., their attorney Judge J. D. Harvey, and Sheriff J. C. Lipscomb, came in Monday morning from Hempstead.  A writ of habeas corpus was sworn out and they were both released on $2000 bond each, with R. R. McDade, sr. and J. D. Harvey as sureties.  Their trial was set for Monday, April 24th and a special venire of 100 men ordered in each case.  It may be possible that the case will be continued as the docket is in an exceedingly crowded condition.

"Habeus Corpus Trial", Halletsville Herald, (Hallettsville, TX), Thursday, April 13, 1905, p. 2, col. 2.

Details of a Triple Tragedy / Trial of McDade Brothers
Details of a Triple Tragedy / Trial of McDade Brothers
The Fort Worth Record and Register
April 25, 1905, Tuesday

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Adjutant General Hulen Starts From Austin With the Manor Company.  Reenforcements to Come.

The dead:


H. M. BROWN, lawyer.

J. E. MILLS, farmer.

The wounded:

T. D. Pinckney, brother of John M. Pinckney.

Roland Brown, son of H. M. Brown.

H. E. Tompkins, hit over head with gun; will recover.

Hempstead, Texas, April 24 — (Special.) — Calamity has fallen upon this little hamlet, already worked to a high pitch over the prohibition election just settled in favor of prohibition on April 20.

For some reason unknown to a great majority of the citizens, three rangers were here the day of the election, pre-tsumably (sic) to assist officers in enforcing the laws.  They were not called upon to make or assist in making any arrests.  Immediately after the election a petition to Governor Lanham asking him to station rangers at different points in the county to give the people protection and see that the laws were enforced was circulated.

To Ratify the Petition.

Tonight was the time set for the last meeting of the Waller County Prohibition League, and it was its purpose to ratify the petition to the governor, which had received about 200 names, including the foremost citizens of the county.  It was at this meeting that the tragedy occurred.  With the exception of a very few, if more than one, it was decided to ratify the petition.  Captain H. M. Brown, who had struggled for the floor time and again, and who seemed bent on raising objections to the adoption of the petition, had spoken and been replied to by Hon. John M. Pinckney, congressman from the Eighth district, arose while R. E. Tompkins was addressing the chair, and finding that he could not gain recognition from the chair, began using language which was seriously objected to by some of the gentlemen who had relatives and friends among the ladies present.

The Firing Begins.

Captain Brown clutched at the coat of Tompkins at the beginning of his utterances and from this started a general mixup in which weapons were brandished and firing began.  About twenty shots were fired in a general mixup of about 100 men.  As a result John M. Pinckney and H. M. Brown are dead.

Thomas D. Pinckney is fatally shot and cannot live till morning.

John Mills is seriously if not fatally wounded.

Roland D. Brown is shot twice and various reports are in circulation as to his condition.  It is believed that he will recover.

R. E. Tompkins is wounded in the right side of the head, having been struck with a gun.  As near as can be ascertained, no one else is injured.

In the Courthouse.

The tragedy occurred in the county courthouse.  About six ladies were present, none of whom were hurt.  The town is worked up and some fear the trouble is not over.  Women are crying in the streets and appear distracted.  The daughter of Captain Brown was to have been married here Wednesday.  Only two members of Mr. Pinckney's family are left — a sister and a brother.  Tucker Pinckney, a brother of John M. was killed about eight months ago, which came near killing the remaining sister.  Only one physician was in the town at the time of the tragedy.  Two others were away — one at Hallettsville and the other in Houston on professional business.  Great wonder was that more were not killed, as the crowd was all collected in a bunch when the firing began.

It is stated to a Record correspondent that John M. Pinckney told a deputy sheriff to arrest Brown this afternoon.  Brown was not a member of the Prohibition league.

Relatives of the dead are being summoney (sic) by wire and is is feared more trouble is brewing.

J. E. Mills died shortly after 12 o'clock.  There is no hope for Thomas Pinckney; though he is reported as being still alive.

Sheriff Lipscomb is at Hallettsville attending the McDade murder trial.  He has been wired for.

Life of Mr. Pinckney.

John McPherson Pinckney, Democrat, of Hempstead, was born in Grimes county, Texas, May 4, 1845, and was reared near the place of his birth; the only education he received was in the public schools near the place of his birth and what he has secured by his own study; was a Confederate soldier, serving four years in the Fourth Texas regiment, Hood's Texas brigade; entered upon the practice of law in 1875; served ten years as district attorney for the Twenty-third judicial district of Texas, and three years as county judge of Waller county; was elected to the Fifty-eighth congress Nov. 17, 1902, to fill the vacancy caused by the resignation of Hon T. H. Ball, receiving 4,986 votes.

Captain H. M. Brown.

Captain H. M. Brown was widely known over this section.  He was a man of about 50 and for the past twenty years had been practicing law in this county, making his home at Hempstead.  He was held in high esteem by the citizens generally.

He leaves three daughters and two sons, his wife having died some years ago.  One of his daughters is Mrs. J. D. Harvey, wife of the county judge; the others are Misses Mary and Hallie.  His sons are, Roland, who was wounded in the affair of last night, and Archie, all of them grown.

J. E. Mills.

J. E. Mills was a man of probably 50.  For the past several years he had been engaged in farming in the lower part of Waller county, near here, and only recently had moved to Hempstead.  He was well known to many people in Harris county, his postoffice having been Hockley while living on his plantation.  He leaves a widow, four sons and three daughters.

Thomas D. Pinckney.

Thomas D. Pinckney is about 40 years of age.  He is a lawyer by profession.  He is a widower and has not children.


Adjutant General Leaves with Troops for Scene of the Killing.

Austin, April 24. — (Special.) — Governor Lanham and Adjutant General Hulen were tonight advised of the tragedy at Hempstead and General Hulen at once began to get together a force of rangers.

He wired Sheriff Anderson at Houston to turn loose the four men who have been stationed at Humble and he sent orders to other points advising rangers to proceed to Hempstead.

Shortly before midnight General Hulen ordered a special train and with a few of the local military left for Hempstead, having advised the company at Manor to be in readiness to accompany him to the junction.

Little was known here except that Congressman John M. Pinckney and Captain Brown had been killed and that others were wounded.  General Hulen was not advised to the length of time it will be necessary to retain troops and rangers at Hempstead, but the impression is that it will be necessary to keep the rangers at that point for some considerable length of time.



Trial of Young Man for Killing Traducer of His Sister.

Hallettsville, Texas, April 24 — (Special.) — When the cases of R. R. McDade Jr. and John McDade, charged with killing C. V. Floyd here last October were called in court this morning both the state and the defendants in the case of R. R. McDade Jr. announced ready for trial and a jury was secured prior to recess at noon.

The defendant on trial is the older of the two brothers and is the one who fired the shots which killed Floyd.  The McDade's reside in Hempstead.  Floyd was a traveling musician and a piano tuner and on visits to Hempstead made the acquaintance of the only sister of the defendants, whom he induced to accompany him to Houston, where he pretended to marry her.  From Houston the couple went to Eagle Lake, where the lady was abandoned.  As soon as the brothers learned of her treatment the two defendants at once started in search of Floyd and, finding him, he was shot and killed in front of the Park hotel when he returned to dinner after having been at work in town.

"Details of a Triple Tragedy / Trial of McDade Brothers", The Fort Worth Record and Register, (Fort Worth, TX), Tuesday, April 25, 1905, p. 6, col. 2-3.

The M'Dade Case.
The M'Dade Case.
The Houston Post
April 25, 1905, Tuesday

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Has Gone to Trial at Halletsville.

(Houston Post Special.)

Halletsville, Texas, April 24. — When the cases of R. R. McDade, Jr., and John McDade, charged with killing C. V. Floyd here last October, were called in court this morning, both State and defendant in the case of R. R. McDade, Jr., announced ready for trial, and a jury was secured prior to recess at noon.

The defendant on trial is the older of the two brothers and is the one who fired the shots which killed Floyd.  The McDades reside in Hempstead.  Floyd was a traveling musician and piano tuner, and on visits to Hempstead made the acquaintance of the only sister of the defendants, whom he induced to accompany him to Houston, where he pretended to marry her.  From Houston the couple went to Eagle Lake, where the young lady was abandoned.  As soon as her brothers learned of her treatment, the two defendants at once started in search of Floyd, and finding him, he was shot and killed in front of Park hotel, when he returned to dinner, after having been at work in town.

Many of the friends of defendants are here with them from Hampstead, and much interest is manifested in the trial.

"THE M'DADE CASE." The Houston Post, Tuesday, April 25, 1905, p. 8, col. 4.

Fraudulent Marriage.
Fraudulent Marriage.
The Galveston Daily News
April 26, 1905, Wednesday

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Floyd Imposed Upon Miss McDade — Her Brothers Heard of it and the Tragedy Followed.

Special to The News.

Hallettsville, Tex., April 25. — The trial of R. R. McDade Jr. came to a sudden termination this morning by District Attorney William Atkinson announcing to the court that the State was not in a position to contradict the testimony of the defense and that in the light of all the circumstances surrounding the killing of C. V. Floyd by McDade, that he felt it incumbent upon him to assume the responsibility, instead of placing it upon the jury, and ask the court to direct the jury to return a verdict of not guilty, which was accordingly done.

The defense in this case developed a train of sad circumstances.  Miss McDade, the sister of the defendant, had during a visit to Houston been persuaded to marry C. V. Floyd, whom she formerly knew.  The ceremony and license were bogus.  Floyd went from place to place with Miss McDade and registered at hotels under assumed names, giving Miss McDade, who thought she was lawfully married, various reasons for so doing.  Her suspicions were aroused and at Eagle Lake Floyd deserted her.  Miss McDade's brothers, on learning of their sister's marriage, were sent by their father to bring their sister and her husband back home, but on looking into the matter, found that she had been imposed upon, whereupon they followed Floyd and found their sister in Eagle Lake the next day after Floyd had deserted her.  They heard her story and again sought Floyd, whom they found at this place, having registered under an assumed name at the Park Hotel.  They were at the hotel as he came up the walk to the entrance, whereupon R. R. McDade Jr. accosted him, asking if he was lawfully married to his sister, whereupon he replied in the negative, and dropping a grip that he had in his right hand, made a motion as though to draw a weapon, when McDade shot him, killing him instantly.  Miss McDade's health has been shattered by the shock and created much feeling in her behalf in testifying.  The family of McDades are old residents of Hempstead, and were attended here by many friends, among the number Judge Harver and Sheriff Lipscomb.  The case against John McDade was also dismissed.

"FRAUDULENT MARRIAGE." The Galveston Daily News, Wednesday, April 26, 1905, p. 8, col. 5.

Criminal Matters
Criminal Matters
The Hallettsville New Era
April 28, 1905, Friday

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District Court.


(Only paragraphs related to the McDade-Floyd affair are transcribed.)

John McDade, murder; dismissed by district attorney for reasons filed

(Unrelated paragraphs omitted.)

R. R. McDade, the Hempstead young man who shot and killed the seducer of his sister, C. V. Floyd, in this city last October, was placed on trial Monday.  After all the testimony had been adduced, the lawyers for the state and the defense on Tuesday morning agreed to have no arguments, whereupon the district attorney asked Judge Kennon to instruct the jury to find a verdict of not guilty which was done.  The evidence at the trial was substantially the same as the particulars of the killing which appeared in these columns at the time.  Probably the most dramatic feature was the testimony of the defendant and his sister, Miss Katie, whom Floyd had tricked into a bogus marriage.  The girl related with tears and sobs the story of her betrayal.  She told how Floyd had made her believe that he intended to marry her, how at Houston he had shown her a marriage license (which was in reality forged) how they were married by an alleged Methodist preacher, and how Floyd abandoned her at Eagle Lake, telling her that they were not married and how at last, to her great joy, her brothers came, one of whom took her home.  McDade told how he and his brothers had followed the couple, how when his sister was found he and his youngest brother searched for and found Floyd, and how he killed him.  Although it was plain that self defense could not have been plead by the defendant, yet there was a stronger and more effective plea :  He had avenged his sister's ruin.

"CRIMINAL MATTERS", The Hallettsville New Era, (Hallettsville, TX), Friday, April 28, 1905, p. 3, col. 1.

C. V. Floyd Remains Exhumed.
C. V. Floyd Remains Exhumed.
The Halletsville Herald
December 07, 1905, Thursday

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C. V. Floyd Remains Exhumed

— The remains of C. V. Floyd, who was killed October 27th, (sic) 1904, at the Park Hotel by R. R. McDade, Jr., of Hempstead, to avenge a sister's wrong, were exhumed last week and shipped to Corpus Christi for interment in the family burying plot.

"C. V. Floyd Remains Exhumed." The Halletsville Herald (Hallettsville, TX), Thursday, December 7, 1905, p. 12, col. 6.

Hempstead Druggist Found Shot to Death
Hempstead Druggist Found Shot to Death
The Navasota Daily Examiner.
November 25, 1929, Monday

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Hempstead Druggist Found Shot to Death

Hempstead, Nov. 25 — One of Hempstead's prominent druggists, Jno. F. McDade, 47, was found dead, shot through the heart, in a rear room of the McDade & Boulware drug store Saturday afternoon.  A .45 caliber pistol, with one bullet discharged, lay on the floor near his outstretched hand.

An inquest was begun by Justice John Day.  He will return his verdict after he has taken testimony of Dr. G. E. Hill and J. G. Boulware Monday.  Justice Day said his verdict probably would be suicide.

Mr. McDade's partner, S. D. Boulware, (sic Searcy Baker "S. B." Boulware) was in front of the store when he heard a shot.  Rushing to the rear room, he found Mr. McDade stretched on a couch, a gaping wound over his heart.

Apparently in good spirits during the day, Mr. McDade's shooting puzzled friends and relatives, none of whom could assign a motive.  He was born and reared in Hempstead, a member of one of Walker (sic - Waller) county's most prominent families.

Mr. McDade is survived by a brother, Wright McDade, and a sister, Mrs. Kate McGowen, both of Bonham.  He made his home in Hempstead with a niece, Mrs. Warren Weir.  He had been engaged in the drug business here since returning from Smithville six years ago.

"Hempstead Druggist Found Shot to Death", The Navasota Daily Examiner., (Navasota, TX.)), Monday, November 25, 1929, p. 1, col. 6.