Whittington Family

The Whittington family is large and ethnically diverse.  Unraveling the various Whittington lines is an ongoing project and will need the contributions of many researchers, but a new tool has become available, which has provided valuable information – DNA.  Traditional research can contain omissions or errors and it becomes less useful or non-existent only a few hundred years in the past.  On the other hand, DNA isn't subject to manipulation and errors and it can illuminate relationships between lines back into antiquity.  It can provide proofs for traditional genealogy and it can identify unrelated lines, preventing lost time and money researching them.

Various spellings have been found for the Whittington name, including: Vitten, Vittington, Vytienson, Wetterling, Whettington, Whiddingtina, Whiddington, Whidenton, Whitatton, Whitenton, Whitington, Whittanking, Whittenton, Whittingham, Whittingking, Whittington, Whityington, Whyttington, Whytyngton, Withington, Withingtune, Witinton, Witney and Wittington.

Our DNA Project shows that the Whittington family is large and diverse.  It currently shows five distinct Whittington surname branches which are not related within thousands of years.  It's not clear how these diverse lineages came to share the Whittington surname, but they are of different ethnicities from widely divergent origins and languages.

See the Whittington DNA Project.

If you are a Whittington male, please consider joining the Whittington Surname DNA Project at Family Tree DNA.

Grief Whittington researchers:  See Carol Whittington's excellent research into the Family of John Dalton Whittington, grandson of Grief Whittington and the eldest son of Elisha Whittington and Melina Dalton.
