The Story of Beaumont


Florence Stratton

pub. The Hercules Publishing and Printing Company, Houston, Texas; 1925.

[autograph inside front cover]
autograph inside front cover
(click the image for a larger view.)
"To Erin O'Brien whose forebears helped to mold the cradle of Beaumont in its infancy; Florence Stratton; November 1929"
. . . (the words in blue are only guesses)

[unnumbered page]

Story of Beaumont



She came in a Covered Wagon – and has lived to see skyscrapers
She came in a Covered Wagon – and has lived to see skyscrapers.

[dedication page]


Ruth Wiess Sergent



IN "The Story of Beaumont", Beaumont has an achievement which few cities and their schools can enjoy. Its possession certainly places our schools in a restricted class so far as local historical material is concerned.

Far sighted and thoughtful school authorities everywhere recommend that a course in local history and civics be given in the upper grades and in the high school, so that children will not grow up unappreciative and ignorant of their home city and its possibilities. David Compavre, a noted French authority on education, has said "Growth comes from realizing possibilities." Certainly no city can fully realize its possibilities for the future unless it studies its achievements in the past. But it is usually very difficult to obtain local history in a form such that it can be used in the school. This book offers such material.

There is nothing finer or better to promote citizenship, a love of country and a high resolve to serve the community, the state and the nation than to teach such histories in our schools. Beaumont and the schools owe a debt of gratitude to the author of this volume, not only for the facts in the book but for the charm and interest with which each chapter is written and illustrated.

In stating that this book will prove of great worth to the children in the schools, let me add that I would not create the impression that it will not prove of high value and gripping interest to the grown-up as well. He will find the book written in readable, whimsical language, bristling with human interest on every page and filled with information that every person in Beaumont will keenly appreciate.

Superintendent of Schools. Home

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