Youngblood-Armstrong & Allied Families

Two years after the death of Thomas Lucius Fielder, Sr. his young widow, Jane, married in Alabama, 8/17/1864, the Rev. J. W. Williams, of Chambers Co. One child.

a. Willie, b. 8/2/1865, married in Texas, Dr. G. W. Radford, d. 10/28/1886. She is buried in same cemetery, in Caldwell, as her mother, Jane, and her grandmother, Frances (Johns) Youngblood.

3. John C. (Jack) Youngblood, was born in Pike Co. Ala. in 1847. Although a young boy he served in the Confederate Army as a member of the Home Guards. He died, 6/30/1868, age twenty-one, in Bullock County, and was buried in Sardis Cemetery, about five miles from Union Springs.

4. Ida Youngblood, youngest child of John Waters and Frances (Johns) Youngblood, was born 7/1/1851, Orion, Pike Co. Ala. She married in 1871, Bullock Co. William G. Adams, Confederate Soldier, a native of La Fayette, Ala. son of Jackson Adams who went from South Carolina to Alabama in pioneer days. Wm. G. Adams died in 1907 and was buried in Opelika, Ala. They moved to Birmingham in 1888.

During her forty-six years residence in Birmingham Ida Adams was interested in Religious and civic affairs. She was a member of the Presbyterian Church; was a charter member of the old Suffrage Association, which became the League of Women Voters; and, was one of the organizers of the first Boys Club of Birmingham. She died, Nov. 21, 1934 and is buried in Oak Hil1 Cemetery. Four children.

a. William Jackson Adams, b. 10/5/1872, Opelika, Ala. d. 1957, m. Oct. 1901, Jeannette Moore, who died in 1949. No heirs.

Soon after his parents moved the family to Birmingham, through the interest of his uncle, William Youngblood, he entered the drug business, as a young boy. In 1893, he bought the drug store and established the Adams Drug Co. of which he was owner and president for forty years. He was a member of the Chamber of Commerce from its inception, and organizer of the Boys' Club. George Cruikshank, in his History of Birmingham, published in 1920, says of him, that "practically every movement launched for civic betterment during the last twenty-five years has had his active support. He has been a member of the Board of Trade since its organization, and president 1917-18; Treasurer of the Alabama Fair Association and also of Cable-Burton Piano Co. Is a Knight Templar, Mason and Shriner; for three terms Chancellor commander of the Knights of Pythias; a member of the Independant Presbyterian Church and Chairman of the Board of Deacons."