Youngblood-Armstrong & Allied Families

black taffeta aprons and black or white batiste dresses, depending on the season of the year. She was attractive in appearance and witty in conversation. Grandmother's personal servants were Abe, her carriage driver, and his wife, Violet, who was her maid. These two negroes of long ago slavery times, were uneducated but with faces bright and happy. They cared for their "white folks" as if for the very joy of serving. To the last of their lives, they were the faithful guardians of that blessed home. Grandfather's Will expressly stipulated that Abe and Violet were to stay with Grandmother as long as she lived. Lincoln's Emancipation Act did not affect these two faithful ones for they remained with their "Old Missus" until death claimed her.

My father, Dr. Oliver Youngblood, was a native South Carolinian and studied medicine in Charleston, graduating at one of the Medical Colleges and ever loyal to his native state. In after years he made pleasant visits back to Charleston and on the occasion of one of his business trips my sister and I were with him when our stay was brought to a close by sounds of bombardment on Fort Sumter, - the Fort falling into the hands of the enemy in the Civil War of the 60's.

My father was born in Edgefield District, South Carolina, on the fifth day of March 1819 and lived eighty years and nine months, passing away at Anson, Jones County, Texas.

He married Miss Tinzy Townsend, a daughter of Col. Eli Townsend of China Grove, Alabama, - a good man, a prominent planter and slave owner of ante-bellum days. Daughters and sons in our family now living are Mrs. Philip Zimmerman, Anson, Texas; Mrs. J. Allen Holland, Houston, Texas, Mrs. Wm. A. Threadgill, Miami, Florida and myself, Mrs. John Miles, Oscar Youngblood, of Oklahoma and Lee Youngblood of Cardiff, Arkansas.

Mrs. Holland has a son in Orange, Texas, - George Holland, who is a leading lawyer. Her two lovely daughters are Mrs. J. W. Link and Mrs. Henry Jackson, who are blessed with interesting children and elegant homes in a delightful section of Houston.

My daughters, as you already know, are Mrs. Richard Johnson (Lily Miles), Mrs. S. A. Benton (Fay Miles) and Miss Myrtle Miles who is with the Cincinnati, Ohio Times-Star. My son, Oliver Miles lives in Columbiana.

Give my warmest love to your papa, dear Cousin William, and tell him that I crave to see him.

With my love to you, Cousin Fannie, Cousin Ida and Frances, I am

Cousin Emma."