Jail Delivery Prevented.
Hempstead, Texas, November 4. — A wholesale jail delivery was narrowly averted during Wednesday night. A drunken man had been placed in jail Wednesday and he was allowed to sleep in the runaround. During the nigst (sic) he managed to open the cells and the prisoners set to work removing the bricks on the east side of the jail. Sheriff Lipscomb was down sick with a lame back and everything seemed to favor the jail breakers. Mrs. Lipscomb heard the noise, and with the help of the children she managed to get Sheriff Lipscomb out of bed, who, with pistol in hand, crawled on his hands and feed to the east side of the jail just in time to see the first man poke his head through the broken wall.
"Take in that head or I'll put a bullet through it," came from below in the sheriff's voice, and the head went in at once. Two little sons of Mr. Lipscomb hurried to the house of Deputy Sheriff Tucker Pinckney, who was absent from home. Mr. Tom Pinckney however, rushed to the jail and placed the prisoners safely in the cells. By 4 o'clock a. m. all was over and the prisoners had to take the pains for their trouble.
"Jail Break Prevented." The Yoakum Daily Herald (Yoakum, TX), Friday, November 4, 1898, p. 2, col. 2.
University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History