A Young Couple Ride Forty-one Miles to Be Married.

A very romantic wedding occurred at 12:15 last night in the main parlor of the Hutchins House.

At Half past 10 last night a gentleman, accompanied by a handsome young lady, drove up to the Hutchins house.  They alighted and went inside and the gentleman registered "N. A. Cuny, Sunnyside."  Mr. J. T. Boyle, junior proprietor of the hotel, asked him if he desired to register his wife's name also.  Mr. Cuny blushingly replied that she was not his wife, but would be very shortly.

Mr. Boyle was quick to grasp the situation, and very courteously proffered his assistance in carrying out the details of the wedding.  In the meantime, the young lady had registered as Miss Irene Farr of Sunnyside, and was shown to the bridal chamber.

Mr. Boyle and Mr. Cuny took a carriage and drove to the residence of County Clerk Ed Dupree, awoke the gentleman and brought him down town and procured the marriage license.  They then returned to the hotel and Mr. Boyle went after Rev. Seth Ward of Shoarn (sic ?) Methodist church.

As soon as Rev. Ward arrived he was shown to the parlor, and in a few minutes the couple appeared.  They were pronounced man and wife at just 12:17 o'clock in the presence of the following witnesses; Messrs. I. R. Lindley, George M. Reed, J. T. Boyle, E. C. Humphreys, S. D. Arnold and a representative of The Post, all of whom tendered their hearty congratulations to the happy couple.

The prominence of the contracting parties lends additional interest to the wedding.  Mr. Cuny is postmaster at Sunnyside, and is a brother of Dick Cuny, county treasurer of Waller county, while Miss Farr is a member of one of the best families in Southern Texas.

In speaking of the occurrence, Mr. Cuny said:  "Miss Farr agreed to take me for better or worse, and we decided to come to Houston and be married.  Miss Farr's home is at Groesbeck, but she was visiting relatives in Waller, from which point we came in a buggy.  We left there at 3 o'clock this afternoon and had a hard time getting into the city, owing to the condition of the streets.

(Sunny Side, 20 miles SE of Hempstead, population in 1897 about 45. Handbook of Texas Online - Sunny Side, TX (Waller County). Nathaniel A. Farr was the son of Gen. Philip Minor Cuny.  Irene Frances Farr was the daughter of Joseph Farr who had been killed by his brother-in-law and her uncle J.W.J. Cloud in 1886, Irene Farr and J.W.J. Cloud being siblings, children of H.G.W. "Wash" Cloud.)

"A ROMANTIC WEDDING. Irene Farr & N.A. Cuny" The Houston Post, Wednesday, November 24, 1897, p. 7, col. 4.