At Hempstead Saturday Night Last.
Jno. Pinchback Arrested in Brenham
Charged with the Crime.
A Hempstead special of June 3rd, says: "A halfbreed Mexican, Harry Kelly, was found murdered this morning near the roundhouse on the railroad track.
He had evidently been dead three or four hours when found and must have been shot about 4 o'clock in the morning. He was shot three times — through the head, the heart and throat — the slayer or slayers seeming to be anxious to be sure of their game, and they did the work of butchery with beastly completeness.
The murdered man came here about three months ago and worked as brickmason at odd jobs. Last night he was seen drinking, but was not drunk. He was lured away from the heart of town in a direction opposite to where he lived and there killed.
The officers are without any clue. They have been working like beavers all day, but so far they have nothing to base operations on.
It is suggested that some enemy from abroad has followed Kelly to this point to revenge a killing which has been referred to vaguely by the murdered man when under the influence of liquor. It seems now that this murder will remain an unsolved mystery."
Monday morning Sheriff Teague received a telegram from Sheriff Sterling asking for the arrest of John Pinchback, a lad about 19 years of age, believed to be guilty of the crime. Officers were out but a short time before Policeman Tom Teague run across him and locked him up, and the Waller county Sheriff was wired of the arrest and came up on the 11:37 train after taking him down Monday afternoon.
"A Mysterious Murder.", The Brenham Daily Banner (Brenham, TX), Tuesday, June 25, 1895, p. 1, col 2.
University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History