Hempstead, Tex., Nov. 9. — The election returns from the several boxes throughout the county are coming in slowly and will not all be here until a late hour to-night or in the morning. The following county officers are conceded to be elected: County judge, A. G. Lipscomb, D., re-elected; sheriff, E. C. (sic - G) Sterling, D; assessor, R. A. Gladdish, R., re-elected; collector, Sam Farquhar, D., re-elected; district clerk, D. A. Starks, R., re-elected.
The following candidates were cloae and will have to await full returns for results: Treasurer: Rankin and Mills, the latter leading. Attorney: Pinckney and Poule, the former in the lead. Clerk: Harper and Cuney, the latter in the lead. Isadore Fields, colored, is elected county commissoner (sic) for Hempstead precintd, B. F. Elliott, justice of the peace, and J. C. Lipscomb, constable. John T. Sanders is elected justice of the peace in precinct No. 3 and John Singleton, constable.
"Waller County Election Returns", The Galveston Daily News., Thursday, November 10, 1892, p. 3, col. 2.
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