One Killed and One Fatally Wounded. Three Arrests.
Hempstead, Tex., Nov. 9. — A lamentable tragedy occurred yesterday evening just before the closing of the polls at Field's store, in precinct No. 3, ten miles east of Hempstead, and near the line of Montgomery and Harris counties.
The facts as learned are to the effect that two young men got into a heated dispute concerning an election bet on a candidate for constable, and shooting soon followed. This was near the polling place. The parties engaged in the row were Tom Wallingford, sr., Reuben Boulware, Joe Woods, Charles Quinn and C. McConnell. The two latter are about 22 years old.
The result was that Quinn was shot dead and McConnell is supposed to be mortally wounded. All the participants are representatives of prominent families.
The first named three men surrendered to a constable, and will have a preliminary hearing very soon, when the disputed question as to who fired the fatal shot will come out.
The judges of election retreated in double quick time when the shooting commenced, some to Montgomery and others to Harris counties, and one man is said to have carried the ballot box where it is now safe, and the tally sheets have been turned over to the county clerk.
"Election Tragedy.", The Galveston Daily News, Thursday, November 10, 1892, p. 1, col. 1.
University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History