Bills of Indictment Found by the Grand Jury — A Judge Complimented.

Hempstead, Tex., March 18. — District Clerk Bradford courteously gives THE NEWS correspondent the following work of the grand jury, which adjourned to-day after presenting the following bills of indictment; For murder, two; assault to murder, two; disposing of mortgaged property, nine; theft of cattle, three; forgery, two; embezzlement, one; burglary, one; sodomy, one; carrying pistols, twelve; hog stealing, felony, one; misdemeanor, one; keeping gambling house, one; unlawful assembly, one; indecent exposure of person, one; disturbing the peace, two; renting house for gambling; aggravated assault, one.=

The grand jurors report a great deal of crime in the past year, but now there is a growing disposition for the better.  They recommend some jail improvements.

They say in conclusion: Your grand jurors take occasion to tender to your honor expressions of appreciation for the interest you have always manifested in the welfare of the people of this county; more especially do we thank you for the just and conciliatory course pursued by you in your recent trouble, and it is gratifying to us to be enabled to state that the effect of your earnestness in the promotion of peace and good will and for the enforcement of the law is to be seen in the present bright outlook of the county.

A case of divorce was tried this evening.  The parties were all colored.  In fifteen minutes the colored damsel was told she was at liberty to marry again.  County Attorney Lipscomb engineered the case.

"WALLER COUNTY VIOLATIONS.", Galveston Daily News, Tuesday, Mar 19, 1889, p. 1, col. 5.