The Hempstead Killing — Fuller reports from Hempstead in regard to the assassination of of (sic) Capt. Thos. S. McDade point strongly to Joe Blassingame as the murderer.  He rode to the house of the murdered man on horseback and was tracked to the residence of Mrs. Alchin.  The footprints of the man who went to Capt. McDade's corresponded exactly with the boots of Blassingame when measured after the arrest.  A doubled barrelled shotgun was found in Mrs. Allchin's house and showed upon examination that one barrel had been freshly discharged.  The load in the remaining was drawn out the the shot corresponded exactly in size with those which penetrated the murdered man.  The circumstances are all against the prisoner and there is a strong impression abroad that he the guilty party.  The examining trial was to begun yesterday.

"THE HEMPSTEAD KILLING", Brenham Daily Banner. (Brenham, TX), Vol. 13, No. 271, Ed. 1 Thursday, November 29, 1888, p. 3, col. 2.