Stephen W. Allchen, Who Shot Deputy Sheriff Chambers, Killed — Died of Injuries.

HEMPSTEAD, Tex., May 19. — Mr. Stephen W. Allchen was shot off his horse and instantly killed at 11 o'clock to-day by Deputy Sheriff Dick Springfield and Mr. Jack McDade, a young farmer. The tragedy took place on the main street of the city, and within a few feet of the spot where Deputy Sheriff Chambers fell by a shot from the Winchester rifle of the deceased on the 4th day of April last. The men were arrested by Sheriff McDade and placed in the county jail.

The circumstances of the former tragedy are probably well known by the readers of The News.

At the time of the tragedy to-day Mr. Allchen (sic: Allchin) had his rifle across his lap. Before the former tragedy and since his recovery from the wound received at that time Mr. Allchen had always carried his rifle, either on horseback or his buggy. He had repeatedly stated to his friends that he did this only for self protection.

Your correspondent interviewed the defendants this evening and they claim that the deceased had threatened their lives on several occasions, and that they believed he would carry out the threats.

The deceased leaves a family. He was a member of the Ancient Order of United Workmen and Knights of Honor, and these organizations will inter the remains tomorrow.

"SHOT OFF HIS HORSE", Galveston Daily News, Sunday, May 20, 1888, p. 2