S.W. Allchin Gives Bond for His Appearance — The Wounded Man

HEMPSTEAD, Tex., April 7. — Mr. S.W. Allchin had a preliminary examination to-day and Justice Duer set his bond at $3500 for his appearance at the next term of the district court. The bond was promptly given, with Jas. A. Felker, Tillot Wood and T. Freed(?) & Co. sureties.

The physicians attending the wounded man state that the danger line has been passed. He is resting easy and slowly improving.

All excitement concerning the late unfortunate tragedy is now over and there is no possibility of any further trouble.

The president of the Waller County Watermelon organization states that 600 acres of watermelons have been planted and that the young plants look healthy and promising. Every arrangement has been made with the railroad authorities to snip promptly.

"S. W. Allchin Gives Bond for His Appearance", Galveston Daily News, Sunday, April 8, 1888, p. 2, col. 3.