
HEMPSTEAD, Tex., February 2. — Mr. R. R. McDade, assignee of the stock of merchandise lately belonging to General A. T. Bedell, this morning sold the balance of the goods on hand to Gus. Lewy & Co., of Galveston, for the sum of $2185.

The Waller County Courier has died a natural death for want of proper support.  The press and material have been turned over to Captain E. P. Alsbury, who will soon publish a weekly paper called the Advance Guard, which, he states, will editorially advocate the theories of the great reformer Henry George.

Mary Cloud, the mulatto girl mortally wounded by the negro boy George Snell on Monday, died this morning.

"The Advance Guard." Galveston Daily News, Thursday, February 3, 1887, p. 7, col. 6.