Shot by an Editor
Special Telegram to The Post.
Hempstead, Tex., Sept. 6. — This morning early John W. Ellison, Constable of this precinct, was shot by Joe H. Farr, senior editor of the Waller County Courier. The wound is in the arm and shoulder and is said to be a serious one, but not necessarily fatal. Mr. Ellison was defeated by Mr. Farr before the Republican County Convention, two weeks ago, for County Clerk, and for the last day or two has been considerably under the influence of whisky, and was dogging, cursing and abusing Farr shamefully and until Farr could stand it no longer. Yesterday evening Ellison's abuse of Farr was said to have been awful, Ellison pulling his pistol (which he always carries) and shaking it in Farr's face and calling him a coward, and many vulgar and indecent epithets were piled upon Mr. Farr. This morning they met at Wheeler's bar. It is said that Ellison attempted to pull his pistol on Farr, but that Farr got his out first, when Ellison ran and was followed by Farr and shot. Ellison may die, as the wound is serious. Farr was arrested, but waved (sic) examination and was placed under a $500 bond.
"Shot by an Editor.", Graham Leader (Graham, Texas), Thursday, September 11, 1884, p. 2, col. 5.