Improvement Notes — Official Election Returns, Etc.
[Special Telegram to The News.]
HEMPSTEAD, August 21. — Our city is still improving. The Baptists have the lumber on the ground for the erection of a new church.
Some twenty or thirty bales of new cotton have been sold in this market.
The tax assessor's rolls show considerable increase in taxable property of the county.
The official returns from the county election on the amendments are as follows: For the amendments, 363; against the amendments, 88. Majority for the amendments, 325.
The old Waller County Courier, it is said, will be revived and issued about the 1st of September. It will be devoted to the interests of Hempstead and Waller county. The Courier will be under the management of its former editor — Mr. Joseph H. Farr — who handles the quill with ability.
Times are still, dull and but little doing in the mercantile business of the city.
The weather is hot and dry.
Some sickness in the eastern part of the county, but as a general thing the city and county are very healthy.
"Waller County Courier ... will be revived", Galveston Daily News, Wednesday, Aug. 22, 1883, p. 1, col. 6.
University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History