[Special Telegram to the News]
Hockley, January 3. — This community was shocked yesterday morning on learning that Mr. Thomas Ray, of Waller county, had been foully murdered at Field's store, on Saturday evening. It appears that, Saturday being court day, at Field's store there was a large attendance. David Ray, a son of the murdered man, got into a difficulty with Alf. Laurence. Mr. Ray went to separate them. Just as he had succeeded, a brother of Alf. Laurence, George Laurence, stepped up behind Mr. Ray and shot him in the side of the head with a pistol. It being dark, he escaped without difficulty and has not been heard of since.
Mr. Ray was an old and respected citizen of Waller county, and his death is universally regretted. He leaves a widow and a large grown-up family to mourn his loss. He was a brother of Ennis Ray, and related to Hennesy & Bros., of Galveston.
"Thomas Ray Murdered." The Galveston Daily News, Tuesday, January 4, 1881. P. 2, col. 5.
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