The Hempstead Killing.
A special to the Houston Telegram from Hempstead gives the following particulars of the killing at Hempstead on Saturday afternoon :
"Thomas Loggins had been in town and was leisurely riding out to his house in the Loggins settlement, 4 miles west of Hempstead. He had ridden through a lane and got to the outskirts of town, when he suddenly found himself confronted by his emeny, (sic) Daniel Morris, also on horseback and riding into the town. It does not appear that any words occurred between them. Report says Morris dismounted and got into a corner of the fence and awaited Loggins. At all events the murderer drew his gun. At the same instant his victim, understanding the situation and perceiving his own peril, attempted to draw his pistol from under his vest where he seems to have had it concealed, but he did not draw in time, and his murderer "got the drop" on him. His doom was sealed. Morris fired, the load taking effect in his victim's breast literally tearing the body to pieces. Loggins fell from his horse and immediately expired. When the body was discovered it was found that no barrel of his pistol nad been emptied.
Justice Harvey held an inquest at which the fact were elicited. The murderer went and surrendered himself to the custody of the authorties, (sic) of course, having no fear of punishment whatever in a county where a man gets two years and a half for a deliberate murder, and where, usually, assassins are not apprehended at all, or if so are allowed to lie around in sight, almost."
The affair took place at 3 o'clock Dan Morris and Thomas Loggins were second cousins. The cause of the murder is supposed to have been an old family feud of two years standing. At that time Loggins who lived four miles west of Hempstead, met Morris and drawing his pistol attempted to shoot him, but the cap burst and while Morris escaped, his horse was shot under him. After this Morris left the country, going to Bell county and had but recently returned. It seems to have been understood that there was a quarrel between them, and the killing of one was liable to occur at their meeting. Parties in Brenham who know both families say the men were brothers-in-law. A gentleman who came up from Hempstead on Sunday says Morris shot Loggins between the eyes with a pistol after he was down and probably dying.
The preliminary examination is set for to-day, Tuesday.
"Thomas Loggins killed by Daniel Morris." The Daily Banner, Brenham, TX, Tuesday, June 3, 1879, page 1, col. 3.
University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History