One man Killed and Another Mortally Wounded.

Houston, Dec. 4. — The following particulars of shooting at Pattison have been furnished by a gentleman from that place: An altercation occurred between Johnny and Ed. Greer, resulting in the former drawing a six shooter and threatening to kill the latter.  This so exasperated his uncle, who was unarmed, that he went in quest of a pistol, and meeting constable Cooper asked him for the loan of one.  Cooper refused.  Greer made a dash at Cooper's pistol, wrenching it from him, and started at once after Johnny, whom he met in the rear of the grocery store of B. H. Patterson.  Johnny was on lookout for his uncle, and as he made his appearance fired, his shot taking effect, felling Ed. Greer to the ground.  After prostrating his victim he deliberately stepped up to him and put two bullets into his head.  Either of the three shots would have produced death.  It is said that Ed. Greer had also fired his pistol at Johnny, but without effect.  After the killing, and having discovered that it was the pistol of Mr. Cooper which his uncle had obtained, Johnny pursued constable Cooper, who was unarmed, shooting him twice, one of the balls taking effect in the left lung, and regarded by the physicians as making a fatal wound.

After shooting these parties Johny deliberately went to the station agent of the Texas Western railroad, with a pistol, presented to his head, demanded and received from $10.  He afterwards mounted a good horse and made his escape.  Minie Greer, brother of the deceased, lost no time in spreading the news and directed parties in pursuit, but at last accounts without success.  Much indignation is felt by the good citizens of Pattison and vicinity at thhis lawless killing.

Johny Greer is the same party who shot Mr. Baldry in the leg some two years ago while the latter was attending a pleasure excursion on the road.

(Pattison was a small town in Waller county 20 miles south of Hempstead.)

"Horrible Tragedy - Greer Murder." Denison Daily News, (Denison, TX), Thursday, December 7, 1878 P. 2, col. 4.