Matters at Hockley — Particulars of the Shooting — Lynch Put Under $1500 Bond for His Appearance — Binford not Seriously Hurt.
Houston Telegram.
The investigation of the matter of George W. Lynch, charged with shooting John Binford, with intent to murder, came up before Justice Burns in Hockley yesterday. It is learned from official sources that four witnesses were sworn for the State, and as many for the defense. The substance and gist of the testimony seemed, from the information given to be about as follows:
John Binford, the young man shot — he living several miles out of Hockley — in company with another man, was riding into town, with a shotgun across his saddle. As he was about to dismount in the vicinity of the depot, Lynch having his double barrel also, appeared on or near the platform of the building. It is not clear who fired the first shot. At any rate, Lynch fired both barrels, the shot taking effect chiefly in the thighs and inflicting painful but not dangerous wounds. Binford fired, slightly hurting Lynch. The latter was soon in the custody of the authorities. Binford was still in Hockley last night undergoing treatment.
Lynch was, after a due consideration of the testimony, put under $1500 bond for his appearance. He was still under guard last night, and will probably give bond to day.
It may be stated that no evidence was brought out in the trial touching the murder of Lynch's children — none whatever. Also that Lynch requested the officers in charge of him to have published a denial of the rumor published in the Galveston News and Telegram of yesterday that he (Lynch), had charged Binford with having been concerned in the murder of his family. Lynch says he has made no such charge, and does not so charge Binford, and wishes the statement made public. What was the prime cause of the shooting between him and Binford does not appear. The rumor that Binford made the first deliberate, distinctive assault to murder Lynch the other day, is denied by his friends.
"The Lynch Difficulty." Denison Daily News, (Denison, TX.), Tuesday, November 12, 1878, p. 1, col. 4.
University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History