Escape of Crawford — Wheeler Held in $5000 Bail.

[Special Telegram to the News.]

Hempstead, Oct. 4. — The case of the state vs. Crawford, Young and Wheeler was called up yesterday morning before Justice Hannay.  The state was represented by county attorney Booth, J. W. Jones and N. Carrington; the defense by J. T. Griffin, Seth Shepard and Booth & Son.  A nolle pros. was entered as to Young and the trial proceeded.  The evidence of Pye and Young was to the effect that Crawford told Young that he killed Finklea and conveyed the body to the saloon of the latter.  This closed the case for the day.

Early in the night a large number of armed men came into town and began to assemble in squads, using threatening language towards Crawford, who was under guard at his residence, demanding that the guard be changed and the prisoner turned over to their charge.  Crawford was apprised of their movements and eluded his guard and left, and has not been heard of.

The investigation was resumed this morning as to Wheeler, and resulted in his being placed under a bond of $5000, which was promptly given.

Much indignation is expressed at the action of the parties last night interfering with the investigation.  But for this Crawford would have been on hand this morning.  His friends say that he will be on hand to stand his trial at the ensuing term of the district court.

"Escape of Crawford - Wheeler Held in $5000 Bail.." The Galveston Daily News. Saturday, October 5, 1878, p. 1, col. 4.