Mr. J. Farr, one of the editors of the North Texas Enterprise, of Bonham, has favored us with a call. We will here state to our readers that the Enterprise has been but a short time published in Bonham, but we are glad to learn from Mr. F. that he has encouraging prospects of success, as he is in one of the most growing towns of Northern Texas, and surrounded by a country unsurpassed by any portion of the world. The Trans-Continental reilroad will soon pass through Bonham, where it will have a depot. Bonham is only about thirty miles east of Sherman, and of course the Central railroad at the latter place will place Bonham practically in direct railroad communication with Galveston. By the way, Mr. Farr confirms the statements made by a correspondent, as given in our Tuesday's paper, to the effect that it is very rarely that any of our merchants, or their representatives, are seen in that section of the state, while New Orleans and St. Louis have their drummers everywhere, and their advertisements in all the papers. The general impression, he says is, that the value of Northern Texas trade is not understood down here. He, however, thinks this city is destined to be the chief market of all that section of the state.
"Mr. J. Farr has favored us with a call.", Galveston Daily News, Thursday, January 16, 1873, p. 6, col. 1.