
To all whom it may concern.

I am agent for Capt. Z. Hunt, Lieuts. Z. W. Matthers and B. T. Harris, Judge George W. Johnson, Dr. E. T. Bonney, and Francis M. Cloud, who are all in the army — I am fully authorised by power of att'y to attend to the business of these gentlemen in their absence, and to receive and receipt for any and all debts that may be due to either of them.  If the patriotism of any one indebted to either of these soldiers shall prompt him to come forward and pay up, I can be found at my office in Bellville ready and willing and eager at all times to receive the money.

June 26 – b 46. tf     N. HOLLAND.

"F. M. Cloud in army.", The Texas Countryman (Bellville, TX), Vol. 3, No. 1, Ed. 1 Saturday, August 2, 1862, p. 2, col 5.