The Cloud Family
656 Henry Edge Leslie, (Elizabeth Hope, Marshall, Joseph, Joseph, Joseph, Robert, William,), son of Jonathan V. and Elizabeth Hope (Cloud) Leslie, born 1861; married 1884, Rebecca Lammey, daughter of Joseph and Mary P. Lammey. She was born 1856.
Children of Henry E. and Rebecca (Lammey) Leslie
789 Mary E. Leslie, b. 1885; married Walter Marshall, 1906
790 Alice E. Leslie, b. 1886
791 Anna Leslie, b. 1888
792 Henry Leslie, b. 1891
658 Emeline A. Leslie, (Elizabeth Hope, Marshall, Joseph, Joseph, Joseph, Robert, William,), daughter of Jonathan V. and Elizabeth Hope (Cloud) Leslie, born 1865; married 1888, Daniel F. Everhart, son of George and Anna E. Everhart, She was born 1864.
Children of Daniel F. and Emeline E. (Leslie) Everhart
793 Charles Herbert Everhart, b. 1888; d. 1888
794 Walter L. Everhart, b. 1889
795 Harry J. Everhart b. 1891
796 Ella M. Everhart b. 1892; d. 1892
797 Mary A. Everhart, b. 1894; d. 1895
(Transcription provided by Cynthia Johnson : 2020-07-05)
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