The Cloud Family
The Horton Family, Notes.
is now Belmont County, Ohio, but in 1823, was living in Delaware County, and held lands in other section and was engaged in speculative or enterprising ventures. His son Henry Howard married Elizabeth Wilson who was not of the Friends Society, and under the discipline of that denomination, which forbids its members to marry persons of other religious persuasions. The son refused to acknowledge "his wrong doing" in the matter and under Friends' rules was disowned, but he still adhered to the society and attended the meetings as did his wife. Horton Howard was much grieved by the action of his son, but there was always a close association with the rest of the family.
A copy of an old letter written by Horton Howard to his son Henry Howard in 1723, is preserved in the family and is in possession of his great grandson;; Henry Howard Cloud of Los Angelec, California.
The letter covers three pages is addressed as follows:
Henry Howard
South of Barnesville
Belmont Co
(First Page)
Delawar 8th Mo. 1828
Dear Son:
I send thee a letter enclose which I begun in 5th month but have not found the way open in my mind to finish it till yesterday. I expect Joseph and 3 of the older girls will start to-morrow for the yearly Meeting at Mount Pleasant and take this letter and probably see thee there and I want thee to write to me by him if thou canst or very soon by mail for I feel very desirous of knowing that thou has maintained thy good resolutions to let the time past suffice wherein the will of the Gentile has been enough I hope to have the satisfaction to know that those resolutions have not as in time past been as the morning cloud or the early dew that soon passeth away. Write to me then my Dear Child and let thy communication contribute to my comfort in my Declining years. So may thou become a blessing to my family and especially to thy own and then be prepared for usefullness in thy Generation. Tell me how you all are and how thou art getting along Spiritually and temporarily as the way may be open in thy own mind, for without this our Communications are of little or no Value. I should like to know how Robert and Rachell are
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