The Cloud Family
377 William Cloud, (William, Benjamin, Mordecai, Jeremiah, Jeremiah, William,), son of William and Margaret (McKee) Cloud, born December 18. 1833
Married Sallie N. Beck, daughter of William P. and Katherine (Mills) Beck, January 1, 1863, at Goshen, Chester County, Pennsylvania.
She was born November 3, 1843
Children of William and Sallie N. (Beck) Cloud
588 Phebe B. Cloud, b. 11-16-1863; m. Robert Anderson
589 Elsie A. Cloud, b. 10-22-1882; m. Isaac C. Yocum
378 Margaret Cloud, (William, Benjamin, Mordecai, Jeremiah, Jeremiah, William,), daughter of William and Margaret (McKee) Cloud, born Feb. 22, 1841; died March 20, 1886; married Thomas Bishop Alexander, January 27, 1870, at Philadelphia. He was son of William and Emeline (Bishop) Alexander. He was born January 23, 1842; and died September 29, 1876.
Children of Thomas, and Margaret (Cloud) Alexander
590 William Cloud Alexander, b. Nov. 12, 1870; m. Mae F. Brisman
591 Bertha Alexander, b. Dec. 30, 1873; d. July 23, 1876
(Transcription provided by Cynthia Johnson : 2020-08-19)
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