The Cloud Family
Second Generation
2 William Cloud (William,) son of William Cloud, Senior, the first settler, was born in England, presumably in Wiltshire. It is thought that he came to America with his father and others of the family in the latter part of the year 1682. He married Grace Willis 8 mo. 4, 1676, at Blakeland Mill, Wiltshire, England. The marriage certificate is still in existence. (See photograph). The following is a copy as deciphered by Gilbert Cope of West Chester, Pennsylvania.
the : 4 Day of the Aight mo 1676
ffram : this time these Are to Sartifi to home So evr It may
Consarne yt Willim Cloud of Calne Junior &
grase Welles of Casen dafter of widow Wales
Bouth frends of the meting of Calne who are Consenting have manifested
thaire Intentes of marige Savarall times to the
metings According to good Ourder
And now Att Blake Land Mill : Beeing in John
ffryes howes have Taken & Rasaved Ach other In
marage in the presence of god & Beefore these
wittnesis & all So have promised In the presence
of god & Beefore his pepell to Bee faithfull One to
Another and to levet to gather Acording to the Ourdinace
of god Ase man & wife during thaier Apynted time
the man One his part to Bee a faithfull loving husban the
woman One hare part to Bee a faithfull loving &
Obadient wife Ase god pepell in All Ages walked
One towards Ach Other in the Statt of mariges In
witnes beare to wee have Soubs Cribe Ouer NamesWilliam Cloud
Grace CloudSusan Cloud
Jane meate/Amats
(?) Arthur Cloud (?)
John Meate or Neate
Edward Bayley
John Fry Senr
John Fry Junr
Robert Card
Willam ( ? )
John Willis Margery Willis
William Tylor
Margrary Noyes
Sarah Smith
Mary Fry
(at) Calstone near Calne (England).
If you see an error in transcription, please notify
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