The Cloud and Pratt families had a reunion August 9th, 1930 at Wayside Park on Little River in Cameron, Milam county, Texas.  The two families were originally united when two children of William Jasper Cloud & Elizabeth Jane Boyd married two children of William Jefferson Pratt & Sarah Jane Story:





Longtime residents of Milam county, the family of William Jasper Cloud first settled there in 1853, and William Jefferson Pratt and his family arrived there in 1870.

Carl Cloud, 12 years old at the time, son of Thomas M. Cloud of Konawa, remembers the event.  June 7th, 2001, he told Tom Cloud of Austin, Texas that his father had just purchased a new 1930 Model A and he, his parents and his uncle John and his wife, Myrtle McIntyre Cloud, made the trip.  He said that many more of the Clouds would have attended but that the event had been cancelled and then started again.  His group went to Houston to stay with, he thinks, Thomas Frank Cloud, because of the cancellation.  He said that none of his people are in the photograph and that he doesn't remember it being taken.



A newspaper article chronicling the reunion

The remembrances of Burton "Bill" Nettleton (19 years old at the reunion)



 Newspaper list of attendees


names unknown (to this author)



A panoramic photograph of the event (101 persons).



72 dpi -- 144k

(hi-res 2.6M)

numbered for identification  (115k).



The names of the people in the photograph.



(Please contact me -- Tom Cloud -- if you can identify any of these people.)



 Newspaper account of the Reunion

transcribed from the Cameron, Milam county, Texas newspaper of August 9th, 1930

Pratt And Cloud Families Gather; Attend Reunion

Cameron, Aug.  9 -- Members of the families and friends from throughout the state and some from other states are here to attend the Cloud-Pratt family reunion at Wayside park on Little river.
    The two families are among Milam county's oldest.  The Clouds first settled here in 1853 when Bill Cloud and Jane, his wife, made their home on Sandy creek.  They reared their family there and in the Civil war days, Bill Cloud joined the southern cause.  In 1870, five years after he returned to his home on Sandy creek he died, leaving a widow and nine children.
    Four of those children here for the reunion are: Mrs. M.J. Roe of Rogers, Jim Cloud of Spur, Mrs. A. Nettleton, Shive and Bob Cloud, who lives at the old family place on Sandy creek.
    (There is an error in that Mrs. A. Nettleton, Jodia Ann Ferguson, was the granddaughter of Bill Cloud.  Bill's eldest daughter, Rebecca Cloud-Ferguson-Springer, who was 80 years old at this time, was her mother. -- ed.)
    The Pratt family came to this section in 1870 and settled at what is now the Rice community.  W.J. Pratt and his wife, Sarah, were the original members of the family.  Two of their children, Jim Pratt of Milano and G.W. Pratt of Rice, are at the reunion.
    An old negro, Tuck Griffen, who has been with the Cloud family for five generations, was present to prepare the barbecue and eats.  His service with the Clouds dates from slavery days. (To see information on a slave family owned by Jeremiah Cloud, see Daniel Cloud. It is not known if all the slaves owned by Jeremiah belonged to the same family or who "Old Tuck" was. If you have any information on these people, please contact me.)
    Although this is the first such affair the families plan to meet here for a reunion every year succeeding this.
    Those present were:  H.E. Murphy and family of Brady, Mrs. and Mrs. John Cloud of Wewoke, Oklahoma; Mrs. W.G. Halsey and family, Dallas; Mr. and Mrs. B.J. Roe, Brady; Mrs. M. J.  Roe, Rogers; Mr. and Mrs. R.S. Cloud, Rockdale; Mrs. A. Nettleton, Shive; Burton and Florence Nettleton of Hamilton; Mr. and Mrs. J.J. Cloud, and Jim Cloud Jr., Spur; Mr. and Mrs. H.G. Cloud, Wewoka, Okla.; Mr. and Mrs. T.F. Cloud, Rogers; Mr. and Mrs. G.O. Furston and family, Rockdale; Tom Cloud, Wewoka, Okla.; Mr. and Mrs. A.P. Brannon and family, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Cloud and family, and Lewis Davenport and family, all of Rockdale; Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Pratt, Miss Ophelia Cochran, Mr. and Mrs. Jeff Cochran and family, Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Mullins, and Miss Gladys, Mr. and Mrs. W.R. Isbell and family, E.H. Walston and family, and Mrs. Hester Mullenac of Cameron; Misses Pearl and Cora Pratt, Temple; L.D. and Lillie Baker, Hoyte; Mr. and Mrs. Henry McFarlane, Rice; Miss Ruth Scarbrough, Rosebud; Mr. and Mrs. W.E. Martin and family, and Mrs. Louis Krumna, Austin, Mr. and Mrs. F.L. Wingren, Byron Cloud, and Maggie Truesdell, Houston; Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pratt and family of Dallas; G.W. Pratt and wife, Mr. and Mrs. W.A. Ballinger, Ed Cochran, Cameron; Mrs. Larissa Adair and son, and Oliver Pratt, San Antonio; Mr. and Mrs. J.N. Pratt, R.A. Pratt, and Mr. and Mrs. G. Mabry, Milano; H.A. Kimball, Mr. B.N. Phillips and family, Charles Pratt and family, Mr. and Mrs. B.M. Diver and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Leeper and family, Rockdale; Mr. and Mrs. L.J. Pratt and Mrs. C. Clinard, Travis; Mr. and Mrs. C.B. Cloud, Rogers, and Teed Cloud, Vernon.

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 Lists of the attendees below:

Newspaper list of attendees

Newspaper list -- unknown (to this author)


Jeremiah Cloud page

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