Youngblood-Armstrong & Allied Families
a. Ruth married J. David Wallace, Marion, Ala. One son, David, Jr.
b. Alexander, deceased, marriedLora Brown. Child, Marion Lewis Brown.
2. John, deceased. No heirs.
3. Eula died about 1930.
4. Frank died unmarried.
5. Minnie, married W. O. Foster. Died 1955. Three children:
a. J. O. Foster, married Frances McGee. One child, Juliette.
b. Janette.
c. Irene.
E. Elizabeth (Lettie) Cogburn, married J. B. Champion, brother of George Champion, who had married her sister, Jane. Children; -
1. Nancy, married T. F. Smith. Two children, Elizabeth and Herbert.
2. Josie, deceased.
3. Jim Ola, Resides, Troy Ala.
4. John Henry.
F. Billie Cogburn, born about 1845.
The Nancy N. (Johns) Cogburn line was furnished by Mrs. Dora, (Berry) Cargile, Mrs. Burton Fannin and Mrs. Reece Boutwell.
III. Thomas J. Johns was born in South Carolina. Prior to the War Between the States, he was a teacher. During the war he superintended the family plantation, as his father had died. He served a short time in the Confederate army. On May 30, 1863, his brother, William Jones, wrote, from camp of Gordon's Brigade, near Frederickburg, Va. to his niece, Mrs. Jane Fielder; "I r e ceive a letter every week from brother Thomas. Accounts from Chambers County are quite encouraging, but brother Thomas is yet quite feeble." Thomas Johns died, between this date and March 1865. Unmarried.
IV. William Johns was born in Edgefield, S. C. about 1812. He became a teacher in Alabama, later moving to Lagrange, Ga. where he conducted his own school, until the beginning of the War between the States, at which time he enlisted in the Confederate Army. He died, unmarried, June 1, 1865, from the effects of wounds received in battle.
His will, written in March 1865, was probated in Troup Co, Ga. as well as in Chambers Co. Ala. He named Jesse B. Todd, William D. Buckalew and Jonathan Williams as executors in the state of Alabama; and, Jas. H. Calloway and John F. Autry, of