Youngblood-Armstrong & Allied Families
On April 1, 1817, land having belonged to Martin Armstrong, was deeded to Niel Donaghey, in the following language:
"Georgia, Jones County; Know all men by these presents that I, Green B. Pinkston, Admr. of Martin Armstrong, deceased, and with legatees, Give and Grant to Niel Donaghy, son of John and Peggy Donaghy, of Jones Co. and state afresaid seventy three and one haH acres of land it being part of Lot No. 139, in the eleventh District of Baldwin, now Jones Co. it being part of the Real Estate of said deceased adjoining Torrintines land on the east and Pounds, on the west, the seventy three and one half acres to be taken from said lot on the South side of said lot being beginning on the west side of Torrentine's line and running straight across said lot to Pounds, so as to include the number of acres above mentioned on said lot having such shapes and forms as appear by plat of said lot of land including seventy-three and one half acres together with all and singular the rights, members and appurtanances thereof, whatsoever and the Niel Donaghy to his heirs and assigns to him and his heirs to their own proper use and benefit and behoof forever in fee simple. And I, the said Green B. Pinkston and we, the heirs and legatees do for our selves and heirs— forever warrant and defend the said land from us and our heirs and assigns all and every other person in Witness whereof whereunto set our hands and fix our seals this the first day of April 1817.
Green B. Pinkston, Admr.
John C. Armstrong.
James W. Armstrong."
Witness. Samuel Donoghey. Mary Ann Pinkston. (Bk. K. p. 37, Jones Co. Ga.)
This being a gift and not a sale of land indicates that Niel Donaghey was in some way related to Martin Armstrong.
Eight months prior to this deed, Aug. 24, 1816, part of this lot 139, was sold by Jas. W. Armstrong to Phillip Burrow.
On Feb. 5, 1817, Green B. Pinkston, Admr, sold to Wm. Williamson, land belonging to Martin Armstrong, in Jones Co. which had previously been located in Baldwin Co.
Martin and Mary Armstrong had the following children who have been definitely identified: I. John C. Armstrong.