Youngblood-Armstrong & Allied Families

shows. She was named first in the deed, so she is listed here as the eldest daughter.

The records of Edgefield show that Edward Kirksey sold land in that county at an early date: - 1796, 1798, 1811 to 1816. On Feb. 21, 1816, Winefred (Winnie) Kirksey relinquished her dower to land which her husband, Edward Kirksey, had sold Dec. 26, 1812. This tract was on Sleepy Creek, not too far distant from her father, Thomas Youngblood.

The date of Edward Kirksey's death is not known. It is assumed that she was a widow at the time of her father's death, for she is mentioned in the administration of his estate as "Winnie Kirksey," and as such signed for her distributive share of his estate. The husbands of the other daughters receipted for their share, as was customary at that time.

She had several children, but only the name of one daughter is recorded, - Mary, who married a Talbot. It is known that some of Winefred's descendants were living in Pike County Ala, in 1858, when the will of her youngest brother, WilliamR. Youngblood, was filed for probate.

III. Thomas Youngblood, son of Thomas and Amy (Hopkins) Youngblood was born in Edgefield District S. C. about 1772 and died in Pike Co, Ala, Feb. 22, 1863. He married, about 1808, Jane Head, born about 1790 in S. C. the daughter of James and Effema Head and the granddaughter of John and Sarah (Waters) Head. Jane (Head) Youngblood died Dec. 24, 1868, in Bullock County, in the same house in which her husband had died, as that portion of Bullock had been cut from Pike Co. in 1866. Both are buried in the Youngblood Graveyard, on land which Thomas had set aside as a burial ground for the family.

Jane Head, wife of Thomas Youngblood, was descended from illustrious ancestors.

The name Head, originally Hede or Hide, is Anglo-Saxon meaning a harbor or shelter for boats. It was taken from the place of the same name in the Doomsday Book of 1066. This place, now Hithe, in Kent Co. England is where the earliest traces of the Head family have been found.

John Head, the grandfather of Jane (Head) Youngblood, married Sarah Waters, daughter of Philemon and Sarah (Baudoine, Bordrayne, Boudoin) Waters. Philemon was born in Stafford Co. Va. Oct. 6, 1711 and died in Virginia, on Jan. 20, 1779. Sarah, said to have been the daughter of a Huguenot, whose forebears came to this country to escape religious persecution in France, was born in Virginia, Mar. 20, 1709 and died July 4, 1792. (Waters and Kindred Families, by P. B. Waters.)