Youngblood-Armstrong & Allied Families

ten years of age and attended the burial, which I remember distinctly. Some years later I placed a small rough stone at the head of the grave and roughly cut upon it his name and date of death, which yet remains.

My recollection of James Head is perfectly clear. He had served with the patriots in the Revolutionary War and as a child I frequently listened to him tell of his experiences as a soldier and they made a vivid and indelible impression on my mind. I can remember that he said he was fourteen years old when the war began and that he told of taking part in a number of engagements in South Carolina. I do not now recall the names of any specific battles in which he said he took part except that of the Cowpens, but I do remember that he told of others, the names of which I do not now recall. After the death of James Head, as I grew older, I often heard my father and mother and others of my elders, who had known James Head for many years before his death, tell of James Head's services in the Revolution and repeat the story of his adventures as told to them by him. It was a matter of common knowledge with the older members of the family that he had served and it was so accepted without question.

James Head was evidently a man of considerable means, as he gave several, possibly all, of his children a tract or money to buy a tract of land. He was a school teacher during a considerable part of his life. Before coming to the Meeting Street vicinity he had lived in what was then or later became Spartanburg District or County, So. Car. near where there was an iron mine and near a village, as I recall it, called Clifton. He lived at this place during some part, if not all, of his Revolutionary days and some time after, probably about 1800, came to the Meeting Street community. The Head family of which James was a member was said to have come originally from Virginia.

I do not remember anything about the wife of James Head. She died long before I was born. I do not remember even to have heard her family name, but to the best of my recollection her given name was Effie.

There is a stream called Rocky Creek in the same locality as Sleepy Creek, a short distance from Meeting Street, near the old Youngblood community.

I enjoy good health and am in excellent condition physically and mentally.


State of South Carolina
Greenwood County