Youngblood-Armstrong & Allied Families
his daughters upon their marriages, which was the custom of that day. Also his son, Jacob, was not willed any property, however he was named as one of the Executors and received his share of his father's estate. A copy of the Will is as follows:
In the name of God, Amen. I, Thomas Youngblood, of the District of Edgefield and State of South Carolina, being of perfect health of body and of sound mind, memory and understanding, blessed be God for the same, do make and declare this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following, that is to say:
Item 1. I give and bequeath all that plantation or tract of land lying and being on the waters of Sleepy Creek containing two hundred acres, more or less, bounded as follows, viz: Beginning at Ephrams Branch on an ash corner, thence running as the cross fence now stands to a black oak station near a west course to the original line, thence on the said old line to a pine corner thence nearly a southeast course to a white oak corner; thence nearly northeast to a stake thence nearly southeast to a persimmon corner thence on Adams line to a post oak corner thence to the east fork of Ephrams Branch thence down said branch to the fork thence up the main branch to the beginning corner, to my beloved wife during her natural life and at her decease to my son, William Youngblood. (This was the land acquired by his original Land Grant.)
Item 2. I give and bequeath to my son, Thomas Youngblood, all that parcel or tract of land on the waters of Sleepy Creek containing two hundred acres more or less bounded as follows: viz. beginning at a stake and running to Ephrams branch, thence up said branch to the fork thence up the southeast fork to the original line joining John Smith's land thence on the original line to a post oak corner on Sterling' Senter's land, thence to a post oak corner on William Adams land thence to the beginning corner.
Item 3. I give and bequeath to my son, David Youngblood, during his natural life and at his death to my grandson, Simeon Youngblood, son of David, all that parcel or tract of land lying on the waters of Sleepy Creek bounded as follows Viz: beginning on an ash corner on Ephrams branch thence down said branch to a maple corner on Harkins old line, thence on Harkins old line to a sweet gum corner on Sleepy Creek thence to a pine corner on William Youngblood's land.
Item 4. I give and bequeath to my son, James Youngblood, during his natural life and at his death to my grandson, Thomas Youngblood, son of James, all the rest and residue of my lands not