HOUSTON, Tex., Feb. 15. — The case of the state against Jack McDade charged with the murder of Steve Allchin at Hempstead in Waller county over a year ago, was called before the criminal district court here on a change of venue. The announcement that the trial would take place to-day drew a large number of people to the courthouse, and when court was opened the spectators and witnesses together filled the room to its standing measurement. Over 100 witnesses came down from Hempstead. The prisoner, Jack McDade, was brought from the jail by Sheriff Ellis and a deputy and given a seat in the courtroom in front of the witness stand. The prisoner looked cheerful, and conversed in a low tone with some of his friends who had came down from Hempstead.
"ON TRIAL FOR HIS LIFE." The Wise County Messenger (Decatur, TX), Saturday, February 23, 1889, p. 6.