From Hempstead.
HEMPSTEAD, Dec. 14. — Many families have moved away from Hempstead during the past few weeks, among whom are Wm. P. Cole, Phil S. Duer, Bogie McDade and Mr. White. The family of the late Capt. Thos. McDade will leave soon, and all of them will settle in Houston. Others it is said, will join them in their new home soon.
Joe Blassingame, Jr., has been released from jail after his preliminary trial, and given bond of $5,000 for his appearance at the next term of court in this county.
The Waller County Courier has been resurrected and will appear under the management of Mrs. Joe H. Farr, proprietress, and William Newman (sic - Newnam) editor and business manager. So we are to have two papers again, as the Advance Guard will still be at its post and go the old rounds as usual.
"Blassingame on bail; Waller County Courier resurrected." Brenham Daily Banner, Brenham, TX, Saturday, December 15, 1888, p. 3, col. 4.
University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History