Supposed to Be Innocent

Hempstead, Nov. 29, — The examining trial of Joe Blassingame, Jr., charged with the assassination of ex-Sheriff McDade last Monday night, is now going on.  It is a case of circumstantial evidence and very weak, as the defendant shows a clear alibi and other strong evidence of his innocence.  Many who formerly believed him guilty of this terrible crime, now believe him innocent.  There arrived in our city the day of the assassination from Florida, a stranger, and he having disappeared the same night that Capt. McDade was murdered, suspician now rests strongly on this stranger. Every one will endeavor to capture the perpetrator of such a bold dastardly deed.  Waller county had hoped to shed no more blood, when this terrible crime came up startling the state.

"Supposed to Be Innocent", Waco Evening News, Friday, November 30, 1888, p. 1, col. 5