Springfield and McDade in Court — The Grand Jury Chosen.

HEMPSTEAD, Tex., September 4. — The prisoners Springfield and McDade were met at the depot by a great crowd, mostly people there for curiosity. They were immediately taken into Judge Burkhart's court, and the work of completing the grand jury finished. The prisoners objected to one juror only. Two or three were objected to for several reasons by the defendants' attorneys and the district attorney.

The prisoners are in charge of the full force of the rangers, and they are confined in the iron cells in the county jail. Sheriff McDade is attending to the court excepting this particular case, which is now in charge of Sergeant Durbin.

There are a great many people in town, as usual during the sessions of the courts, but there is no excitement at all.

The grand jury is composed of good men, and it is said that they have a great deal of work to do.

"PRISONERS AT HEMPSTEAD.", Galveston Daily News, Wednesday, Sep. 5, 1888, p. 4