James Carroll Under Arrest for Slaying Napoleon Farr — Brazos River Falling.
HEMPSTEAD, Tex., May 4. — This afternoon James Carroll shot and killed Napoleon Farr at Waller station, ten miles southeast of here, on the railroad. Both were stockmen and had farms in the neighborhood. The trouble commenced in a dispute concerning stock.
The full particulars can not be had to-night. Both men were middle aged, and had families.
Justice Duer has gone to hold an inquest. Deputy Sheriffs Springfield and McDade captured Carroll after dark to-night. and placed him in the county jail.
The Brazos river at the railroad bridge has fallen 26 inches in the past ten hours. Danger of overflow in the lower Brazos valley is over at present.
"James Carroll Under Arrest." Galveston Daily News, Sunday, May 5, 1888, p. 1, col 3.
University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History