Jury Still Out — Other Criminalities.

[Special Telegram to the News.]

Hempstead, Oct. 17. — The jury in the Dan Morris case at this sitting, 12 o'clock, is undecided.  The latest grapevine telegrams report eleven for acquittal and one for conviction, so it may be one obstinate man who will cause the whole case to be gone over again.  The testimony of Mrs. Tom Loggins was an exhibition of womanly heroism rarely met, and consigns to the utmost depth of infamy ever the memory of the one who sought, not only to imbrue his hands in the blood of his kinsmen, but to brand his wife as an adulteress and mother of his children as a harlot.

The change of venue in the R. H. and W. Loggins case seems satisfactory to both.

The grand jury this afternoon returned a number of bills — about thirty-five so far — mostly felony cases.  Capt. Alsbury makes a most efficient foreman, and the grand jury are diligently inquiring into infractions of the law.

In the Hargraves homicide, the defendant stands indicted for mansloughter, and his case set for trial next Tuesday.  A good way to stop all homicides would be to make it a hanging offense for any man in the state hereafter to sell a deadly weapon.

Hon. J. D. McAdoo is in town.  There is an interesting divorce case to-morrow in which he represents the defendants.

"Jury Still Out - Other Criminalities." The Galveston Daily News, Saturday, October 18, 1879, p. 1 , col. 4.