In Waller, a Desperado Kills an Uncle, Mortally Wounds an Officer, and Robs Another Uncle of a Horse..

[Special Telegram to the News.]

Houston, Dec. 4. — A fatal shooting affair took place yesterday at Pattison, in this county.  John O. Greer, a youth of nineteen or twenty, shot Ed. B. Greer, his uncle, four times, killing him instantly.  He shot Louis Cooper, deputy sheriff, mortally wounding him.  Greer than mounted a horse belonging to David Greer, brother of the deceased, and after forcing the storekeeper to give him ten dollars, made his escape.  The cause of the shooting was a very trivial affair.  John O. Greer is a desperate character.  Warrants have been out for him for some time in this and also Gonzales county for crimes committed there.  Both the deceased were good citizens.

(Pattison was a small town in Waller county 20 miles south of Hempstead.)

"Bloody Tragedy - Greer Murders Uncle." Denison Daily News, (Denison, TX), Thursday, December 7, 1878 P. 2, col. 4.