The Houston Telegram gives the particulars of the killing at Hempstead last Saturday morning. It appears that a party were playing dice and drinking at Wheeler & Stoutenberger's saloon. A quarrel ensued between Robert Finklea and Bob Crawford. Upon Finklea's invitation, Crawford laid aside his pistol, and a fist fight was engaged in. During the melee, Ed Young fired the revolver, the ball taking effect in Finklea's body, killing him almost instantly. The blood on the floor was washed up, and all traces of the murder removed. Finklea's body was then dragged the distance of a square and deposited in front of his (Finklea's) saloon. The deceased is represented to have been a quiet, inoffensive man. Crawford has already killed one man. Young is the station agent at Hempstead, and is said to be highly respected. An inquest was held and a verdict rendered that Finklea came to his death by a pistol shot fired by E.W. Young and R. W. Crawford, both of whom are under guard. The preliminary examination is set for Tuesday.
"Robert Finklea Killed." Brenham Weekly Banner. (Brenham, Tex.), Friday, October 4, 1878, p. 1, col. 4.
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