Horrible Fate of a Citizen of Waller County.

[Special Telegram to the News.]

Hempstead, Jan. 21, 1878.

Thomas Bell, one of our best citizens, was murdered here to-night by a stranger named Lacy, from Brushy, in Williamson county, or from Rockdale.  Lacy is about 5 feet 8 inches high, stoutly built, weighs about 160 pounds, has dark auburn hair, no beard.  He has a scar on his face near the mouth; is quick spoken and intelligent; wore fine cassimere checked or stripe pants, light colored; age about twenty-six years.  Lacy was in the act of stealing a horse and shot Bell, who was standing by, the ball passing entirely through both the body of Bell and his horse, and killing both instantly.  Five hundred dollars reward is offered by the family of the deceased; the citizens of the county offer five hundred dollars more.

"Thomas Bell Murdered." The Galveston Daily News, Tuesday, January 22, 1878, p. 1 , col. 7.