List of names of persons having applied to enter into Bankruptcy, before the United States Commission at Hempstead :
W Woodward, F J Cooke, Col Paine, T S McDade, — Battoe, T D Henderson, W D Nichols, J M Cloud, J Hill, P C Hickman, B S Harrison, sr., B S Harrison, jr., H Harvey, G W Cloud, Wm Anrenbeck, R Harris, T F Williamson.
.... (column 3) ...
PICNIC. — On the 3d inst. quite a large number of the young ladies and gentlemen of Hempstead and vicinity assembled on walnut Bayou, near the place of Capt. John Glass, to spend the day enjoying Themselves. As we were not invited we cannot do the same justice to it, in the way of a description, that we should have done had we been there ourselves, and we must give the account as furnished us by a young gentleman who was present. The party was a very pleasant one and the dinner was superb, and the ground was strewed with water-melons. IN the language of our informant the chief amusement was "playing euchre and gassing to each other" until about 1 o'clock, when a rain sprang up, causing the assembly to beat a hasty retreat to Uncle Wash Cloud's until the shower was over, when the crowd was increased by the arrival of two of the fair ex from Hempstead, accompanied by a gallant young gentleman from the same place. The party then proceeded to Capt. Glass's residence, the place appointed to spend the night in the enjoyment of dancing. The party received a warm welcome and a cordial shake of the hand all round by Capt. Glass and family, whose liberality and hospitality was unbounded.
Sic transit gloria mundi.
"Bankruptcy : J.M. Cloud, T.S. McDade & G.W. Cloud.", The Texas Countryman (Hempstead, TX), Wednesday, July 8, 1868, p. 3, col. 2 & 3.
University of North Texas Libraries, The Portal to Texas History