Serious Shooting Affair — On Friday morning last, at Reed's Prairie, some twelve miles hence, a difficulty arose between Wm Sapp, Jr., and ____ Saunders, relative to a matter of which we know nothing, in which Mr. Saunders was killed.  On Saturday evening, _____ Stewart, brother-in-law of Mr. Sapp, and half brother of Mr. Saunders, procured a writ for the arrest of Mr. Sapp, and with a party composed of six men, surrounded a house in which Mr. Sapp was known to be.  The arresting party, we understand, reached the house after night-fall, and remained in close proximity to the house during the night, and at early dawn firing commenced, but by which party it was inaugurated, or what conversation, took place, if any, we are not informed.  Neither are we informed as to the duration of the difficulty.  Mr. Wm. Loggins and Mr. _____ Stewart, belonging to the arresting party, were killed, and one white man and one negro wounded.

On the other side, Mr. _____ Bell, was killed and Messrs. Wm. Sapp, Sr., and Wm. Sapp, Jr., were seriously wounded, the former in the left breast and the latter in the right leg.

After the firing had ceased a negro was sent for a physician for the Messrs. Sapp, when he was wounded by some unknown person.

Up to the hour of going to press we have heard of no arrests being made.

We were furnished the above particulars by several parties, and give them to our readers as furnished to us, disclaiming any intent to misrepresent the affair.  Of the causes which produced the sad result we are ignorant. — [Hempstead Countryman, 8th.

"Serious Shooting Affair" The Galveston Daily News, Friday, April 10, 1868, p. 2, col. 3.