By Special Express to the Alexandria Gazette.


The Occoquan difficulties ended yesterday, happily without bloodshed.  A special correspondent of the Gazette, visited Occoquan yesterday, learned all the particulars of the affair, and was present at all the transactions.  From his report we make up the following summary of the proceedings:—


On the 4th of July last, the Black Republicans, of whom some sixty reside in the vicinity of Occoquan instituted an association and agreed to erect a pole — to bear aloft a flag with the names of Lincoln and Hamlin.  The pole was accordingly erected, the following persons participating in the pole-raising.

John Underwood, W. C. Athey, Robert Curtis, Oliver Underwood, H. W. Rives, J. W. Miller, Wm. Davis, (boy) Stephen Hammill, John Taylor, Andrew Underwood, Marion Grigg, T. O. Coulter, James Gould, Thomas Rives, jr., H. F. Duty, W. H. Johnston, T. L. Selecman, John Wright, Wm. Western, A. A. Selecman, Ewd. Roberts, (Englishman) Tasco Harris, (free negro), Jim Snyder, (free negro) Albert Harris, (free negro)

Upon the raising of the pole, the pole-raisers were armed with muskets and made quite a military demonstration.  A meeting was held, at which Black Republican speeches were made by W. C. Athey and J. Wright, the latter of whom, a new comer, is said to be quite an orator.


Many persons in the neighborhood opposed the erection of the pole, believing it to be a standing menace to the peace of the county, but at first there was no indication of an attempt to disturb it.  The Republicans, when spoken to on the subject, answered that "there was no one in the county who dared to touch the pole."  "There were men enough to defend it," &c.  On one occasion an old resident of the neighborhood was assaulted because he had declared that the pole was a nuisance, and on another, threats were made to ride upon a rail a gentleman living near by, because he had spoken Southern sentiments freely in Occoquan.  Letters were published in the Wheeling Intelligencer declaring that "the people in the county wanted the pole removed, but had not the heart to do it."


This raised much feeling in the neighborhood, and at a meeting at Brentsville, sometime about last court, it was agreed that the flag was an insult to the people of Virginia, and incendiary in the object it was raised to promote, and should be torn down on Friday, the 27th day of July.


Intelligence of this determination soon reached Occoquan, and on Monday night a Republican meeting was held there to devise measures for the defence of the flag and pole.  On the following morning Mr. J. C. Athey visited Washington, and sent to Gov. Letcher the following despatch:

We, the citizens of Occoquan, are threatened with invasion by an armed mob of three hundred men from a distant part of the county, on Friday next, at 12 o'clock, M., and call upon you for protection in this emergency, otherwise we shall have todefend (sic) ourselves.

WM. C. ATHLEY, on behalf of Citizens.

To which the Governor responded instanter, as follows:

"Orders will be issued at once to Gen. Hunton for the protection of your citizens."


The Governor accordingly sent orders to Gen. Hunton, who directed Col. Brawner to hold a troop of horse in readiness to give such protection as was necessary.

When the dispatch was received on Tuesday night from Gov. Letcher, great rejoicing was manifested by the Republicans.

Whilst in Washington, Athey made arrangements with certain "Republicans" to furnish 40 or 50 fire arms of approved make, with ammunition therefor, which were to be sent to Occoquan on Tuesday night by wagon.  The dispatch from Gov. Letcher, however, induced the abandonment of this plan.  At the meeting at Occoquan, and amid the enthusiasm, it was resolved that the pole should be defended to the death unless the assailants numbered more than three, to one of the Republicans.


On the night of Thursday, several of the wives of the residents of Occoquan, fearing bloodshed would occur the next day, attempted to demolish the pole.  In the attempt, the wife of Mr. Duty was seriously wounded by a blow from her axe.  The men gathered, however, and took the women away from around the object of their attack.


On the morning of the 27th, the "Republicans" hoisted the American flag and the party ensign bearing the names of "Lincoln and Hamlin."  During the morning, most of the women left the village and the place seemed quite deserted, but no preparations were made for defence, and a memorial to the Colonel asking protection was prepared and numerously signed.

At 3½ o'clock the Prince William Cavalry, Captain Thornton commanding, entered the village and ranged themselves in the neighborhood of the pole.  They were followed by a company about 40 strong, under command of Capt. M. Fitzhugh and Major Carter, who, paying no attention whatever to the horsemen, quietly formed in a hollow square around the pole, facing inwards.

Whilst this company was surrounding the pole Mr. Joseph P. Janney advanced to the Captain of the Troop of Horse and claimed protection for his property, upon which the pole stood.

At the word of command, Jas. W. Jackson of Fairfax, a stalwart yeoman, sprang forward and gave the first blow, others followed "redoubling stroke on stroke." — During this time there was no interruption, save the Republicans and others who stood at corners near by, would cry out, "Aint your axe dull" "Hope you're having a good time &c."  In a few minutes however there was a cry of "stand from under," and the pole came to the ground and shivered.  Instantly the crowd gave three cheers, when the "Republicans" responded by three cheers for Lincoln and Hamlin.  All were quickly at work on the fallen pole, and in less time than it takes to tell, it was chopped up and the pieces carried off.  The flag was sent to Brentsville.

So soon as the flag pole was levelled, Captain Fitzhugh ordered about face, and his company marched off, saluted as they went by mingled cheers and applause.

During the evening there was some excitement, and a personal recontre took place between Col. Brawner and Jos. T. Janney, in which the latter was considerably injured.

The crowd cleared away during the evening, and at sundown all was quiet.  The "Republicans" say they will put up another pole on the same site.

"The Troubles at Occoquan.", Richmond Times-Dispatch (Richmond, VA.), Monday, July 30, 1860, p. 3, col. 2.