
A collection of family histories and genealogies.

Baltimore, Maryland, USA



Matches 1 to 18 of 18

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
1 Baker, Charles Joseph  Mar 13, 1882Baltimore, Maryland, USA I45409
2 Baker, Frank M.  Jan 12, 1860Baltimore, Maryland, USA I45415
3 Baker, George Forney  Sep 30, 1884Baltimore, Maryland, USA I45410
4 Baker, Henry Forney  Jul 23, 1880Baltimore, Maryland, USA I45408
5 Beaufort, Annie Bell  Dec 09, 1857Baltimore, Maryland, USA I53536
6 Biddison, Thomas William  Mar 12, 1889Baltimore, Maryland, USA I97483
7 Choate, Christopher III  Aug 12, 1720Baltimore, Maryland, USA I42612
8 Coffman, Grace Leslie  circa 1909Baltimore, Maryland, USA I26629
9 Conner, Mary Jeannette  Apr 17, 1927Baltimore, Maryland, USA I98865
10 DeFord, Florence  Aug 22, 1858Baltimore, Maryland, USA I152522
11 Franke, Baron George  Aug 02, 1924Baltimore, Maryland, USA I97486
12 Hawkins, Ann  1661Baltimore, Maryland, USA I116510
13 Hawkins, John  1695Baltimore, Maryland, USA I116549
14 McIlvain, Andrew  Baltimore, Maryland, USA I121886
15 Scott, Avarilla  1693Baltimore, Maryland, USA I116874
16 Scott, Daniel  circa 1680Baltimore, Maryland, USA I116906
17 Tevis, Noah  Feb 01, 1782Baltimore, Maryland, USA I60695
18 Webster, Mary  1637Baltimore, Maryland, USA I116645


Matches 1 to 8 of 8

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Died    Person ID 
1 Besore, Alpheus N.  Feb 1936Baltimore, Maryland, USA I152518
2 Burner, Jesse Logan  Oct 08, 1963Baltimore, Maryland, USA I98033
3 Forney, Ida Amelia  Nov 10, 1916Baltimore, Maryland, USA I45390
4 Forney, Mary Avery  Nov 27, 1928Baltimore, Maryland, USA I45385
5 Litton, Ann  circa 1774Baltimore, Maryland, USA I116660
6 Litton, Thomas  Nov 07, 1700Baltimore, Maryland, USA I117117
7 Owens, Anne Elizabeth  Mar 16, 1913Baltimore, Maryland, USA I83498
8 Terwilliger, Harold Christopher  Aug 17, 1979Baltimore, Maryland, USA I100508


Matches 1 to 1 of 1

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Buried    Person ID 
1 Litton, Thomas  Nov 07, 1700Baltimore, Maryland, USA I117117


Matches 1 to 1 of 1

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Death    Person ID 
1 Hawkins, John  Bef Aug 1733Baltimore, Maryland, USA I116545


Matches 1 to 8 of 8

   Family    Married    Family ID 
1 Biddison / Cullers  Apr 24, 1929Baltimore, Maryland, USA F31624
2 Burner / Nausbaum  Jun 05, 1912Baltimore, Maryland, USA F32185
3 Kline / Knicely  Jun 18, 1958Baltimore, Maryland, USA F32026
4 Loomis / Souder  Sep 11, 1931Baltimore, Maryland, USA F32602
5 McIlvain / Cloud  Mar 15, 1778Baltimore, Maryland, USA F39577
6 O'Flaherty / Fleming  Oct 02, 1934Baltimore, Maryland, USA F31864
7 Scott / Johnson  circa 1680Baltimore, Maryland, USA F38437
8 Wilcox / Souder  1929Baltimore, Maryland, USA F32597